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Image Comments posted by jmoody


    perfeccion en cuanto a la posicion de los barcos (y una sensacion de soledad y frio y belleza por la niebla...) Fantastica la foto
  1. No se' si te has dado cuenta o no, pero esta's fomentando un turismo rural que no veas eh. Tengo tantos sitios que ahora quiero visitar que no se' si habran horas en el dia para conseguirlo todo! (has pensado en venderlas a la junta? he visto folletos que dan pena, pero con fotos como esta...!) Buen trabajo como tantas otras veces


    Cool photo! (I'm fascinated by the reflection in the eye (and especially in how you avoided being in that reflection as the photographer!)). How close were you to the subject? Macro lense? Crop of a larger shot? I'd love to be able to shoot something similar, but have no idea of how. Nice work
  2. Considering the context of the shot, I think this is really good (just curious, were the subject's hands originally lying flat, on a table or something? Something about them seems wrong for verticle, I'd have loved to have seen a more "fluid" pose). I like the way you've set them off in b&w, and the clarity seems just fine. Nice work I'd say

    p.s., thanks for your comments, & feel free to modify anything you want. I liked your suggestion quite a bit!


    Don't mind at all. Now I can't wait to get home (my monitor here at work is crap) to see what I think of the B&W version (so far so good, I like it. The other shot in my folder is the same place, but a straight-on of the middle portion (flanked on both sides by arched passageways like the ones in this shot.). Thanks for your interest!



    This is a different angle of another shot that I submitted a while

    back that I finally got around to scanning. Is this an ok

    composition? I wasn't sure whether to crop more of the foreground out

    or not. Also, any thoughts on the middle-floor area? Distracting? No

    big deal?


    I agree with the last comment. This is an awesome shot, but once you get into the large version, the grainy charcoal-look kinda disapoints. I think you'd have a 7/7 shot though if you re-took it & just had a regular smooth image on the lighted side. I love the idea


    Super vibrant colors & good depth of field (too bad about the low-middle petal being so far the others & blurry. Doesn't subtract from the photo too much though. Looks nice!!)
  3. De acuerdo con el primer comentario. Esta tiene que ser una de las mas creativas que he visto aqui en Photonet. Los arcos de las pestanyas y la otra direccion de la ceja...mas el ojo en si. Simplemente preciosa!!


    looks like nobody's thrilled with this one... could I have made it better by focusing on the lines of the mirrors? Shoot at an angle that would leave me out? (i actually shot it mainly for the personal portrait upload thing)
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