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Posts posted by squareframe

  1. <p>nice comment Brian. I don't know why there seems to be this barage of critique against the G10 for not being a DSLR. let's reflect ... I just paid ~$430 (Amazon) for this camera and for another $189 bought the underwater enclosure which is a bodacious addition for my photography requirements on the water (I live on a sailboat, and about to embark on a round-the-world journey). I paid that much for extension tubes for my Hasselblad's, or the wide-angle bellows for my Linhof Technikardan 4x5 (for sale).</p>

    <p>no, it isn't a DSLR, and yes .. you'll get better performance with one. however, let's reflect on the built-in Image Stabilization, a great lens, features galore, a gorgeous LCD, and it works with all my existing EOS flash equipment (550EX's and ST-E2). I also bought the lens-extension mount to use ND and graduated-density filters ... but the beauty of this jewell is the performance per pound. simply amazing. absolutely no complaints .. and as an engineer and photographer I tend to be rather picky at times.</p>

    <p>as mentioned .. the G10 is a hoot. it is redolent with possibilities and some of the most fun I have ever had with photography.</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  2. <p>you'll have to ask the pixel-peepers here. I use a camera to take photos and have not seen any artifacts that were noticeable on a print that detracted from it. I see no differences between the G10 images, at low ISO, and images taken with my 40D and 'L' lenses. then again, I see little value in dissecting them to a degree beyond the print.</p>

    <p>all the best with your photography,</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  3. <p>Katherine,<br /> <br /> you would do well to not take internet-lore too seriously. the G10 is a phenomenal camera, and many of its strengths are due to the re-designed architecture and ergonomics. it's a REAL camera with features that are used by REAL photographers such as an actual ISO-setting knob (not a setting buried in menus). the wide-angle lens is welcomed, as are many features such as the MACRO and built-in neutral-density filter. so, spend some time with one and be critical of the differences per <strong>your</strong> requirements and not others. the G9 has many of these and other features as well of course.<br /> <br /> it really is a fun camera to use, and by the way, my G10 has a shutter-release socket, so it isn't clear what the previous poster was referring to.<br /> <br /> I use my G10 more than my 40D or Hasselblad's. it's that much fun!<br /> <br /> daniel taylor</p>
  4. <p>"Hey, nice photos, must be an expensive camera".</p>

    <p>just perhaps, they noted that you used an <strong>auto</strong> -focus, <strong>auto</strong> -exposure, <strong>auto</strong> face-detect camera.<br>

    I wouldn't be inclined to take away too much credit from snapshots with an <strong>auto</strong> -everything camera.</p>

    <p>happy new year ..</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  5. <p>another compliment to Martin Evening for his excellent Lightroom 2.0 book. I just bought this book along with his Adobe CS4 Photoshop book .. and the collaboration with Jeff Schewe to be released in March 2009. the rest is up to you ... start hacking away and exploring. when you run into an obstacle, look it up. most likely Martin has been there before you and can supply the answer.</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  6. <p>I too have become more interested in 'street' photography. perhaps 'marina' photogtraphy defines it more appropriately. for me .. I found myself intimidated and hesitant to go out with a large camera and lens. after I bought the Canon G-10, it changed the way I felt I was perceived and therefore my photography improved. more than just the technical aspects, the LCD allows viewing in a more discrete way if that assists you, and I think might help the awkward transition/incubation period as one acclimates to this new style of photography. for $400, you get built-in image stabilization and a suite of features suited well for this genre. and the image quality is quite amazing. image quality isn't as big an issue as feeling aligned with your camera, especially in this new form of expression.<br>

    <br /> just an opinion ...<br>

    <br /> daniel taylor (snowed in on San Juan Island, Wa.)</p>

  7. <p>I see absolutely no reason to use the viewfinder on this camera. the LCD is a far preferable viewing method .. in most every way other than convention. this is not a camera where the beautiful LCD, gridlines, increased sensitivity, and framing accuracy should be ignored. the viewfinder does not serve the photographer or the image well at all.</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  8. <p>just a few words from the peanut-gallery. I recently bought the Canon G-10. it is the first camera I have owned that makes me want to go take pictures. it is fun!<br>

    I am at my mother-in-laws and just picked up her new Lumix. it might have lower noise, it is smaller, but it does NOT make me want to take pictures. the ergonomics and size just don't meld with my sensibilities.<br>

    I'll take the Canon .. it's fun to use. it's just the right size, perfect architecture and ergo-features, and ... did I mention it is fun?<br>

    something to consider .. that the ultimate-review should dig deeper than the noise.<br>

    daniel taylor</p>

  9. <p>James,<br /> you might want to check out the new Canon G-10 and the very affordable UW-housing (~$180). though not the performance of your 5D, one could argue that a poorer image might be justified, compared to no image at all. I'm having a great time with this combination, even if all I have done so far is take pictures of my sailboat propeller to see if the sacrificial zinc is still attached - sure beats diving into 45F water!<br /> best of luck,<br /> daniel (afloat in the San Juan Islands)</p>
  10. <p>I don't see what is so abhorrent about this process. when I designed hardware, I evaluated existing components and integrating them partially into my design, versus the problematic costs and time-constraints of not doing so. a good design is extensible, and surely Sony in concert with Nikon (and others) created an easy migration-path for designers with specific architectural requirements. I recently designed a rotating platform to align the solar-panel arrays on my sailboat with the sun, as the sun moved and the boat moved relative to it. I had no problem using a micro-controller from Motorola that incorporated the hooks I need for my customization, instead of attempting to plod through my inventions.</p>

    <p>not the same I'll admit ... but I don't see that the issue at hand amounts to much.</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  11. <p>> <em>I don't know what is up with camera engineers.</em><br>

    I'll tell you what I think they were thinking ...<em> </em> that they stumbled on a substantive design, replete with features aligned with photographers out there taking photos .. and decided that time-lapse video had to go to make room to meet objectives that photographers required and asked for. such as a dedicated exposure-compensation, ND filtering, blah blah blah.<br>

    you want it all .. but this is a photographers camera. it doesn't zip along at 10-frames/second, and fares poorly at ISO1600 compared to bona-fide DSLR's. however .. if your interests as a photographer align with making images that might never have been made due to the limitations of '<em>better</em> ' cameras, then the G-10 might just suit you well. in fact .. it might just suit you bodaciously well.<br>

    I think they were sitting in the local pubs drinking sake, and saying .. if they want time-lapse video, let them buy our latest video camera. if they are interested in still-photography, and the most bang for the buck, let them appreciate what we worked so hard to offer them. and with that .. the sake flowed and the buzz lingered.<br>

    daniel taylor</p>

  12. <p>I guess I have big pockets then ... or buy large coats. or simply think the G-10 is the perfect size. the SLR's and lenses are generally too bulky, and the ones my mother-in-law uses are far too small to work with. and lastly, the G-10 just fits my way of thinking and photographing. having exposure compensation buried in a menu never made sense to me .. and now, I have a real dedicated knob. that seems to define my threshold of pain for P&S cameras.<br>

    and honestly .. I am finding the image quality to exceed my expectations. then again, I never expected to print 44" prints from my G-10 files.<br>

    another example .. I just walked around the marina using the built-in ND filtering and macro mode. 1" focusing .. at the touch of a button (ok .. two touches). is the end-result perfect? hardly. is it a nice image that would never be taken with my DSLR or Hasselblad, just from the <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">hassel</span> hassel-factor of extension tubes and filters. you bet .. and for that reason, I feel my $434 was well spent. I just see the price on Amazon has dropped a few pesos more. and .. I got a free Epson C88+ printer with the deal.<br>

    so yeah ... I'm a pig in mud.<br>

    cheers ..<br>


  13. <p>> <em>I'll stick with SLRs and their much better picture quality.</em> <br /> <br /> sure you will .. until you tire of lugging the camera and lens around like a brick.<br /> or when you realize the images you missed because you sold your stealthy, light,<br /> little camera you could slip into your coat pocket.<br /> or you forgot how well the built-in IS worked<br /> or those cute movies of your kids.<br /> or the built-in ND filtering<br /> or the ....<br /> <br /> it has its place .. just not every place<br /> <br /> dt</p>
  14. <p>Olive, it really does depend on your photography requirements. I must say, like a broken-record lately, that since I bought this G-10 a week ago, I haven't touched my 40D or Hasselblads. this little camera is a <strong>hoot</strong> . imagine, built-in <em>Image-Stabilization</em> , 28mm equivalent lens (though slow), LCD to die for, blah blah blah. I too, got tired of lugging a heavy camera around. so many applications where a small and light camera fits the bill. in this respect i don't there is a better camera than the G-10. it's built very, very well. and I'll disagree with those that think smaller is better. the G-10 is the perfect balance between size, ruggedness, and usefulness. it fits the hand perfectly .. smaller and it would be cumbersome I think, and it has most obviously been designed by working photographers. all the good bits are there! it won't win speed contests, of fire off a gazillion frames per minute ... so what. that is, if that isn't your desire. living on a boat and doing sailboat related photography, I can tell you it is a marvel to have full-time <em>Image Stabilization</em> on, viewable on the LCD in real-time, and embracing the very odd notion of hand-holding at 1/15 second. did I mentioned it's a <strong>hoot</strong> ?</p>

    <p>cheers ...</p>

    <p>daniel taylor</p>

  15. conversely, when you turn on your radio do your images gain that 'Leica Glow'?

    do they vignette?

    you didn't mention the type of radios used ... FRS walkie-talkies?

    do Nikons do the same? your cell-phone? anything is possible, and the 'truth is out there'.


    no doubt about it ...



  16. sorry John .. unfortunately I can't disclose more information as it is classified at this time.


    being serious though, I am an engineer and there are potential interference issues, dependent on proximity, frequency, modulation-mode, and other factors. all I can tell you is that I am suspicious of your claims and that there might be other mitigating factors at play here, and most likely. I can also say that my 40D and G10 do not interfere with any marine or amateur-radio based equipment here on the boat.


    what does FO mean?



  17. John, check if custom-function CF24c is set. this is the SETI alien communications defeat feature that prevents communications and data-retrieval (abduction of images) by alien sources. it is useful in high-alien target environments but tends to interfere with other consumer communications. the next firmware release will most likely fix this oversight.



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