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Image Comments posted by pahrkm

  1. When I first looked at this shot, I was struck by the immensity of St. Peter's. Of course, the size of the couple helped me considerably to coming to that view. I have to say that after looking at this picture and reading all the comments, their size works for me.


    I am not viewing this picture as a documentary piece - for that I have to thank all of the posters here who have so clearly pointed out that the couple are not life-sized. When I realized that, I began to view this in another light - a historical light. St. Peter's was still awe-inspiring, but frightening also as well.


    Think of the atrocities perpetuated in the name of religion - the Inquisition, the Crusades, terrorism, and war. The size of St. Peter's in relation to the couple and the fact that they stand just outside the light demonstrates to me the enormous power the Church wields over it's followers. And that it was not always careful in the past how it wielded that power.


    How does the quotation go? "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Something along that line.


    So, all in all, I cannot get too upset over the size of the people. If I were to view this picture in a purely documentary way, I would. But, instead, it made me think. Isn't that one of the challenges of art?

  2. Oh, how I wish you were right about this being a photo of super-strings! I'm a bit of a Stephen Hawking fan too. Over my head for the most part, but I keep chipping away at it.


    You are right about the cigarette smoke. No Photoshop, though - I'm not nearly proficient enough with it to something like this. The light comes from a beam from a DLP projector through which a DVD was playing. In this case, the DVD was "The Simpsons" for lots of color. So, all in all, not terribly involved. DLP, DVD, dark room, and camera. Now, if someone could tell me how to get a sharper focus on smoke????

    Golden Orb Weaver


    I know, another close up of a spider - hardly original. But I think

    this spider is spectacular although I did get rather nervous getting

    close enough for a picture. Please note - I said I thought the

    SPIDER was spectacular, not the picture of the spider. The spider

    was hanging down and away from me, so the angle was difficult,

    especially with the lines running through the background.

  3. I've been told that this is a wild tamarind tree. I haven't been able to make an absolute identification yet. And I have to agree with Carl that it would be better if the background were less distinct.
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