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Image Comments posted by smullis

    Seaside cat

    I like the overall picture with the resort looking area in the background and the obviously comfortable cat. I think I would have liked the pole on the right to be gone as it pulls my eye out of the picture.

    Fall colors.

    Great colors. I like the angle you've shot the fence. Some might say it's a little bright on the left side, but I like it that way. Nice photo.



    This is a great shot. I love the color of the barn against the background. The top of the mountain just fades away so there is no 'sharpness' to pull your attention from the barn. Thanks for sharing


    Morning Light


    This photo was taken at 5:30 on a June morning. I did some cloning

    in the bottom right corning to remove the date stamp...I've since

    learned to turn that little feature off. Let me know what you think.

  1. Great idea. I even like the glass jar on the left. Some would say it distracts from the subject, but I think it adds more to it...yes, I covered that part of the picture to see how it would look with out the jar. :-)


    Good photo. The photo has a soft look to it and the old style car makes that really work well. It gives the feeling of a newly married couple who have come to the spot for some time alone during the confusion of the wedding day.
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