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Posts posted by dave_bernard

  1. As Johnson Cheung speculates that not many have made money with their

    M6s, while the DJIA has doubled since 95...




    As an 'inflation hedge,' the M6 does not have a good record; much to

    the contrary. In 1990 I bought an M5 with US Passport, discounted,

    after rebates, to $1800.




    By the time I sold my M6's in 95, they were retailing for $2800 with

    US Passport (not a misprint) from the New York discount houses. So

    when in 1995 I sold my then-5 year old bodies for $1900, I actually

    made money.




    Fast forward to today, when the discounted US price is again down

    around $1800 after rebates, but the used retail price for the '90

    models is probably, what, $1150

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