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Image Comments posted by britt_larson


    I think this is an amazing image. The split colors, and how you found that one tree out in the middle of nowhere for them to lead to... excellent job!

    Pier 39 Bath Salts

    Very nice picture. While I like the composition of your other 'bath salts' photo more, the colors are better and more saturated in this shot, making for a more interesting picture, IMO.
  1. Awesome capture - almost a surreal effect. I love how all the lines come into one point in the picture... not just the lines on the boats, but also the nearby mountain sweeping down. Great job!


    Very nice shot. That's quite a low tide. However, if you get another chance at shooting this again, try lowering yourself to the level of the kid and the hull of the boat. I think it would provide for a more interesting picture. It might make the boat seem larger as well - a better perspective, in my opinion. Overall, however, it is a good shot with nice lighting and timing.



    To me, as an onlooker, I think there is a lot of symbolism that could be possible here. The dish looks as if it is worn down, or never finished. They are sometimes used to probe into other worlds, searching for new life or something. However, the leaping person is happy just as he is, on Earth, without knowing what is out there.


    I'm reading it, and it's a little far-fetched, but that was my impression.

    A Moment

    Excellent capture! This photo shows a great sense of "moment" and the photographer's ability to shoot a technically-good shot in a split second. Very nice work.
  2. I really like this shot. The boy and horse are in perfect focus, while everything else is a blur. While I agree that the subject is almost too far on the left, it is probably difficult to compose a moving subject and get it in sharp focus. Nice work!


    Wonderful in its simplicity - makes you wonder about the hands that made them, and if it really is blood. These simple prints tell thousands of stories - great capture.


    Me too, at first I thought it was a guy in a boat in the middle of a desert or something... then I looked closer and realized it was really water. Nice shot, very well composed.

    Winter rest

    I like the use of color, but the red buoy is a bit distracting - perhaps you could just keep the blue planks in the boat and make the buoy neutral? Or pick the rope to make color... the buoy is just, in my opinion, unimportant to the picture.

    Setting Sun

    What a gorgeous sunset - such vivid colors, and I like the rocks in the foreground. This picture has a feeling of space, and I love how the clouds just stretch across the frame. Very nice composition.
  3. Beautiful! I like the composition and how the light, fluffy grass compliments the horse and rider. And I know how hard it is to get a nice expression on the horse's face - nice work!

    Rue Becquerel

    Great picture! Really captures the essence of a city at night. The blurred people are almost like ghosts or spirits. Also, they are moving, but the city remains untouched. Excellent job!
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