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Posts posted by shawn_mertz

  1. I guess the word "never" is what i don't like. A very small percentage of customers ask for raw files. I don't refuse, instead I ask how they plan on processing them, that eliminates about 7 out of 10 because they realize they have no idea what to do with a raw file. Almost all of the few that have a clue decide they don't really want them. It is also an opening to discuss expertise in handling the photos.
  2. yes it is possible. Doing it has two parts, one is equipment specific. For instance Nikon has an app can connect phone or tablet to some of their new cameras. Others need one of several accessories. You don't say what you have so I will move on to the other main issues.


    Why do you want to do it? I have experience using wireless transfer, and may be able to help you think it through.

  3. <p>I'm skipping this good picture because i already took 5 of them. <br>

    Is that the way a pro should think?<br>

    I think more in terms of opportunities than how many times the shutter clicks.<strong> </strong><br>

    <strong>Don't pass up a chance to take a great picture. <br /></strong></p>

    <p><br /><strong> </strong></p>

  4. <p>Specs. say it is 100 watt equivalent but since it is adjustable beam f-stop at subject could change. It should be bright enough to use but i doubt it will get you f8 at iso 100. <br>

    Using a motorcycle as a light at a wedding sounds like fun. </p>

  5. <p>The last 3 weddings I photographed have convinced me even more Marc is right. Not settling for ok light, but finding ways to make great lighting, not just in a church, even in crowded reception venues and the getting ready rooms is the way to make your work stand out. </p>
  6. <p>I would never FE it is too odd to have on the camera much. a 16-35mm f2.8 is a great lens because 35mm is awesome FX length for in tight spaces, and wider when you want it. I've seen a guy use FE in front of church outside as his signature photo at every wedding and win tons of awards with it every year, so what do i know.</p>
  7. <p><blockquote>"I want to relax the style and posing of many of my shots and still keep the older style (which still sells)."</blockquote></p><br>


    <p>I think you already know what you want. Just add in a new idea here and there that you are shooting for yourself.<br>

    Also maybe a little hands off posing. guide them to a spot give a very simple guide like look at each other, pretend I'm not here. (hope some magic happens)<br>



  8. <p>Flicker is a problem, but i think this is Variation in the color temp of the lights. When as the lights age and are replaced the color of the new lights may not match the color of the older lights. I think that is what you see here. the fixes they said will work. Also NIK Color Effects pro has a white neutralizer. Flicker is usually worse than this. It can look like a shutter not in sync with flash.</p>
  9. <p>Fuji Iso 800 color film get a fast 50mm lens f 1.4 or Canon might still make a 1.2 wide open. Get close.<br>

    Or if they travel hope to find a brighter gym. Gymnastics is an individual sport. Maybe you can arrange with a team to shoot at practice and set up dramatic lighting.</p>

  10. <p>I prefer 2 cameras much of the time, BUT I think some kind of zoom lens is important 28-70 or whatever you like, for crowded rooms. I've been in many situations where that second body would represent a possible bump on the head for a guest. So I leave camera 2 in the equipment stash. Get a less expensive model, if you don't want to put money into it. This situation is usually strictly flash time too. Remember you are shooting for them. Artistic pictures are not the only ones you are after.</p>
  11. <p>no i didn't touch the check. It may have been the most alarming single thing. The check had a health care systems name on it for a city in Texas. Very real company but it was mailed from an address in Washington. From a different person than was messaging me. <br>

    Another aspect of this is the mega company that provides free everything to everybody with little verification. Maybe it's time uncle sam gets after them. Then again the company probably 10 times as diligent about security than the state department.</p>

  12. <p>Photographers often require large deposits for jobs for god reason. But be careful it makes us an ideal target for scammers. At first suspicion check every detail they give you. Don't deposit money unless you are sure they are legit and for sure wait a long time before ever refunding money.<br>

    Last week I was contacted by someone saying they were having a promotional event for their multi level marketing company they are independent dealer for and wanted photographs. Company not important. Anyway they took and accepted bid. sent deposit for full amount even though i didn't request one. Now of coarse today they cancelled event, and asked for refund. <br>

    I'm posting because they were less obvious than most scams. Things that set them apart. They used a local number. Of coarse set up through mega data co. didn't say it was wedding or reunion. Were more patient and professional in their writing. <br>

    Give aways. it was a too fast and easy. They kept asking if I had deposited the check. Check was from a real company but it didn't make sense who it was from. </p>

    <p>Just wanted to warn they are getting more clever. First day this appeared to be a real job, but red flags started popping up. </p>

    <p> </p>

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