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Posts posted by donald_macklin

  1. Pardon me.In Canada,the word 'color' is spelled as 'colour'.We,as a nation, are far too

    polite to insist that it not be spelled otherwise.Even when people come to Canada to

    live.So nowadays,colour is slowly changing to color.Have I made myself understandably


  2. Over the past year I've fired 3 Toronto area so-called "Pro" labs for shoddy film

    development work.As a result,I no longer shoot colour film.Digital replaces that,and only

    because I cannot get consistant ,high quality colour film processing.I do my own B&W

    processing and I never have issues of dirt ,streaking or incorrect loading of film in

    development apparatus.I'm currently considering a Jobo system for colour film(E6,C41).For

    all I care,all those recreational drug influenced,and/or alcoholic lab rats(students) can go

    flip burgers or make tacos.

  3. A mental picture occurred to me of all these people in one room together talking

    specification,acronym,speculation,rumour,fact,near fact,argument,counter-argument.What

    a great 15 second Canon t.v. spot that would be!..........Us Leica types can't compete with

    all the acronyms.Unless we get to talking....lenshoods!

  4. This is an exercise I found worthwhile. Go for a walk.No camera.Pay close attention as to

    how something that interests you, is perceived by you.When at home choose a lens,go

    back and make the exposure(s) as you had visualised it.Obviously,this method does not


    for street photography as it requires extensive experience in pre-visualisation.Regardless,

    you'll have your hands full just following the advice of "pay close attention as to how

    something that interests you,is perceived by you". Good Luck!

  5. Like I said awhile ago in another post Eric,I don't participate in that racket anymore.Or

    more accurately,I don't allow that racket to infuence my daily life or to structure my self

    esteem.You could say ,I no longer choose to participate in what is an essentially a service

    industry.I'm into manufacturing.FCUK the Hype.FCUK the personality cults.I tired long ago

    of being on standby to help some actor,producer,DP,or whatever get rich while I faced

    financial ruin between jobs.If you analyse that racket rather comprehensively,you'll find it a

    classically stuctured pyramid scheme.Good Luck!

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