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Posts posted by chicodovale

  1. My camera is a Nikon D70s and I am having some problems concerning

    overexposition. All the time, at the first shoot the image shows as overxposed

    and the following shoot is normal. If I continue shooting it continues as the

    same, one overexposed and other normal. Somebody has any idea what is

    happening? Thanks in advance for help. Chico do Vale.

  2. I also enjoyed the idea of an organized posting of our resulting best shot of the week...I use 120mm on my Pentax 67 and I just bought 10 rolls of Provia today. I also have been shooting B&W with Tri-X 400 with very good results. I need to get back developing some more films at the weekends. Count on me to post some of my 6x7 photos. I also shoot with 35mm with Nikon F3. Regards, Chico do Vale
  3. Dear Juan,

    I cann't contribute to much for this thread because I am not a PS expert. I am much more familiar with analogic than digital photography, although most of my photos at photo.net are digital. My really passion are B&W and Chromos shoots with my Pentax 67 but I don't have a good scanner so I keep posting the digital. When I use PS I just do the basic (levels, hue/saturation, contrasts, canvas). Probably I am wrong in what I am going to say, but I consider that to learn how to photography you need to start with B&W, to learn how to use the lights. We also need to learn about colors (temperature) and also about the films (latitude). It is very easy to go to the field, as I am just going to do this weekend, with a digital, 2G of memory and stay shooting, shooting and then go back home and stay several hours just selecting and doing photoshop on the best photos. For me it is not photography. Can you imagine going to the field with a Pentax 67 (4 pounds), heavy tripoid, bags, and you have a Provia or Velvia (120mm), with just 10 photos per film. You need to do everything in the field without PS (you need to study the lights, the composition, the best exposition, aperture, angle, etc. And wait one week to have the film developed. You cann't do a mistake. But can you imagine how funny is it? Two days ago I was just travelling for working dealing with my research experiments and shooting some tomato diseases in the field (hundreds of shoots of leaves, fruits, plants, etc) and I was just having a wonderful view of Pedra Azul (you can see this photo at my site in Nature). Of course I did a lot of shoots (hundreds) of a wonderful landscape. I came back home, spent few minutes processing in PS, not to change the original view, to post in PN. Of course I received 3/3, 4/4, and few 5 or 6a. No problem, I am just learning, just sharing with you guys, friends, my experience on photography. I am not photographer, I just like photography. Concerning my trip to the field, and the shoot of Pedra Azul, I am planning something different, for the next month. I am going to invite my wife and my sun (he is a good photographer) and daughter (she is an archtect) and we go for a weekend at Pedra Azul (400 km from my home), with some good wines because we are just entering in the winter. But my planns for photographing there are: to get my Pentax 67 and few rolls of Velvia and Provia. My Nikon D70s (6 megapixels) will be also with me but just for fun. The digital photos I will of course treat using PS CSII, to continue receiving 3/3 rates.

    Juan, sorry for not giving my contribution for your question, but I would like to share with you my considerations about photography and living. I love photography and living.

  4. I have a Nikon D-70s and I know that the original battery is an EN-EL3a. I

    couldn't get this battery on the market where I live but they offered an EN-

    EL3e, saying that it is also recomended for D70s. I couldn't find any

    information about that so I would appreciate if anyone could help me on that.

  5. All my analogic cameras 35mm are Nikon (F3, 4004, 6006, 801s) and now I bought a

    D70s. My question is: is there any problem if I use any of my old lenses

    (specially 50mm 1.8 and 55mm 2.8 macro) with D70s. Is there any advantage using

    this 50mm 1.8, considering the luminosity of the lens? The same for macro. Of

    course I am saying that I will be using all lenses in Manual nothing in auto. I

    need to tell about my new lenses (AFs 18-70 f/3.5-4.5 and AFs 55-200mm DX). Is

    there any risk using Nikon old lenses with the new digital cameras even in

    manual mode? The same question for SB-24 flash. Thanks everyone for your comments.

  6. Thanks Brian for your comments. I agree that I did something wrong on the White Balance. After reset the camera came to normal again, hopefully. I am not used to digital cameras and I shoot using the basic configuration and sometimes I try to change something and it becomes worst.
  7. I have a Nikon D70s and I have been shooting with this camera for a year without

    any problem. Fifteen days ago, the colors of the photos became blueish. I don't

    remember to have done any change on the configuration of the camera. It is easy

    to see the difference between the previous photos and the photos I am shooting

    now. I tryed to see what was wrong in the configuration of the camera but I

    couldn't correct the problem. Does anybody could help me with any suggestions

    saying what can I do to solve the problem. I would appreciate very much if

    anybody could help me. Thanks in advance.

  8. Thanks you all for the feedback on my question. My suggestion is that all ratings should be public. I would like to know Who is Who on the ratting system. We could visit some portifolios and see the photos of these snipers and also could put some comments on their photos.
  9. Is there any explanation for the fact that most of my photos when I submit that

    for ratting the first ratting is 3? I have seen many photographers complaning

    about that in photo.net. Yesterday, just for test I submitted an hummingbird

    (beautiful photo for my consideration) and the first ratting was 3 and today I

    could see 5s, 6s and 7. Something is wrong with the rattings. Or am I wrong?

  10. I have several Nikon lens (Macro, Tele and also 50mm) and also a

    Tokino AT-X 28-70mm. Do these lens fit to any digital Canon Cameras?

    The logical answer for me could be, why don't you buy a Digital Nikon

    to use with those lens? But my problem is to get a good camera but not

    so expensive as D200 or D2-X or similar. Somebody told me that I can

    buy a very good Canon 11 mega pixels in a reasonable price and use

    those lens. Is that correct? I am not familiar with digital cameras

    so I need some help. I am much more analogic fan because I make a lot

    of B&W photos and develop and print by myself. I am just start

    thinking about a good digital camera because in Brazil we are already

    facing problems with Chemicals and paper for B&W and this is not so

    good. Any help is appreciatted.

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