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Image Comments posted by edbook



    no pun intended

    I like to see images with fog having something in the foreground sharp without the haze of fog to help give a reference to what sharpness is so the image doesn't look hazy by error. You accomplished this very well with this image but unfortunately the calm feeling invoked by the fog is contrasted by barbwire... canceling the calmness...



  1. you handled this snapshot-like composition very well with the narrow depth of field you chose to concentrate attention to this kitty's face and the eye-highlights show life and vitality.




    ps... I was teasing about calling it a kitty, I knew it was a ground hog... ;)



    seeing this image as a thumbnail, it didn't impress much but seeing it this size changed my mind, seeing the highlights in his eyes pulled me in and then the fine soft skin tones and thght cropping... cropping this tight keeps this informal and informative portrait from being boring...





    this image reminds me of a time when confined to bedrest and immobility after surgery... stuck in bed, I asked for a camera and documented the view the world from my bedprison... but the image I produced didn't bring a pleasent feelings as this one you have posted. I like that the inside tones are warm and outside cool...



  2. there is a tension here that is at the same time terrible and beautiful. you did well catching it as you did.


    I think I might have cropped the top down from the top to eliminate the blue sky at the top so that the smoke is totally in control and not controlled by the sky.





    I think the comment you would get most about this image by those who would post comments and the thoughts of those who don't bother to comment is that the subjet is too centered and much too small... I see that you probably framed it as you did because of your autofocus method but it would have more impact if the owl was a bit to the left so it is flying into the frame-that would make it more dynamic... but there is way too much negative space in the image that serves no purpose except under the bird-the distance to the ground displaying place... you're on track though... keep it up and keep practicing...



    mercedes benz


    this stretch effect (wide angle lens?) is lost because the eye immediately leaves the subject to muck about in the background... the fence pattern pulls the eye there yet there is no reason for going there as far as the image goes.. since you have a diver flag plate, I think you might try this again with the ocean and sky as the background--but if it's not your car, and the owner might be miffed if you move it--then add it via photoshop... and add a sky reflection on the hood vice the fence reflection.



  3. as this image was made with some amount of alpenglo, I think it might be enhanced by the addition of a little warm saturation as the eye almost expects. The blues are perfect so I wouldn't increase more than red-orange-yellow saturatuon. The sky on the left side seems to have some magenta that I would expect to be all the way across giving rise to the suspicion that it was polarizer exaggerated.


    one small nit... I'd personally like this scene more if the camera location were raised (perhaps not doable) so the merge between the tall near basalt block didn't merge with the distant rock.





    I like how in your other IR images here gives the mind's eye an little misdirection in first impression being of snow then taking a leap as in a haiku... then this image with the spectrum of densities it presents confuses again. I like how you've showcased the lombardi poplar...




    ps is that brown-nosing enough? ;) but seriously, I like them-- a lot!

    Electric Fern


    I think the fronds have more impact with the white tips adding energy to the composition instead of being completely green. The black background allows the white to work whereas if it were lighter wouldn't have the contrast and the white effect would be moot.


  4. what a refreshing image the blades of grass glowing was a good find and you handled it excellently. I'm sure some will fault the background as too dark but I think it frames your composition well.
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