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Posts posted by nathaniel_pearson

  1. My impression from online tests (using the RD-1) at luminous-landscape was that the

    Ultron had noticeably more aberration (esp. chromatic) in the outer field at wide

    apertures than did the Summicron. All told, flare bothers me less than some other

    factors, as I rarely shoot outdoors contre-jours.


    I certainly love my CV 21/4 and 50/1.5. However, it is nice to ponder using the very

    best-performing lens in a given niche (fast 135 28). The Mamiya 50/4 might well

    qualify as such in its own niche (6x6 50), of course. If only it were faster...


    All of which raises an idea for CV: build a couple lenses for Mamiya 6! I'd love to see

    a lens specialized for indoor available light shooting with that camera -- specifically,

    I'd sacrifice the typical top leaf-shutter speed (I'd accept 1/125 instead of 1/500) for

    an f/2 lens. Even with the fairly wide rf parallax that the 6 has, focusing precision

    concerns would likely limit such a lens to standard (75mm) or wider angle -- but it

    would carve out a whole new niche for itself!

  2. Thanks to those who have posted pics and comments so far. Frederick's night shot of the towers is technically impressive, if indeed shot wide open. In mulling this lens, though, I'd be asking it to fill the niche of my Mamiya (6) 50mm (which I'd likely have to trade/sell, perhaps along with the body, to finance a 28 'cron). The Mamiya 50/4, while slow, can make beautiful environmental portraits wide open. However, as a flash-averse shooter, I might really appreciate two more stops (plus the size and gear reduction entailed in switching to the Summicron), even at the expense of a bit more grain and shutter noise. The Mamiya is incredibly easy to hand-shoot stably at slow shutter speeds -- but, alas, few interesting low-light subjects are catatonic. Thoughts?
  3. From tests the 28 'cron looks superb (yes, pristinely so -- ceci ce n'est pas un troll...),

    and I've thought about saving up for it. But after extensive googling I've still had a

    tough time finding many pictorial examples that exploit the lens's distinguishing

    technical capacities (speed, sharpness, even illumination, inclusive composition). Can

    some of you who have used it post some of your favorite examples? Many thanks.

  4. Central's used gear is generally ludicrously priced -- and I see no market wisdom in

    letting a Minolta CLE+40+90 kit gather dust at an asking price of ~$2K (if memory

    serves). To me, the people looking for such cameras in the age of pocketable digital

    ease are likely to know how much they go for on Ebay. So, either Central strikes it

    rich with a very rare loaded sucker, or they're merely pricing things to stay in order to

    perpetuate the archaic, aisle-cramping, stuffed-to-the-gills atmosphere.


    As pointed out, their darkroom stuff is priced ok. And though film tends to be nearly

    double what it should be, they do usually have some 120 Fortepan &c. on ridiculous

    clearance price. Plus, there are some awfully nice folks there (George and Tim come

    to mind), and they really look out for regulars, i.e. try to get them a discount on a

    used item, a sample roll of film now and then, &c.

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