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Posts posted by cordek

  1. I hope this makes sense.....I am trying to create a bw portrait special

    effect. background: stone white. Person: no color (ie: background white),

    except for a "pen and ink" etch of their face. The portrait blends at the

    neckline into the white background. I think the right lighting setting is: 2

    softboxes in front of the subject and two strobes in the back pointed at the

    background. Set the background strobes + 1 stop. Am I in the ballpark? Thanks

  2. It appears I have taken a lot for granted with the 3 580s I recently

    purchased. Does anyone have any practical experience with 3d party training

    (DVD/Book, Etc) on the 580? Canon's documentation leaves much to be desired.


  3. Thanks to all and the link. In my investigation of the images I am seeing a trend that I relied on AV as I was required to shoot fast. My Bad! I tested various speed in manual and see that it appears the shutter has a lag that I did not pick up. I will be shooting Manual all the time now....I'm glad I had over 200 good shots. I am also going to take the body and lans to Canon and have them calibrated together as the link suggested...Thanks to all
  4. On a recent shoot, I noticed that a few of my group images were soft,(ie: A

    few people were tac sharp and a few were slightly out of focus) ,I used a 20D,

    set at f/7.1. ISO400, 24-70L, auto focus, using a 580EX. The people were about

    5-8ft or so from lens. Any thoughts on this? Thanx

  5. I shot an interior recently for an R.E. friend and found the I had difficulty

    with creating an atmosphere of the empty house and blown out windows. I was

    using Canon 5d/14mm,2.8L and a 550ex on a bracket off the camera. I am going

    into this biz, so my question is/are: should I invest in an umbrella/soft box

    or just add slaves? Help, please. Thanks

  6. I'm always cautious when reading magazine reviews as they tend to be "fluffy" so they don;t offend the various mfg's. This is the case and reason for my note. I've been reading everything here as well as research, so I really got a clear vision now. I've been using the Tamron 28-75 dig for sometime but now I am moving to upgrade. So, thanks to all who responded. I really appreiate your thoughts and opinions. -Ron
  7. I've read many tech reports about the new digital lenses from Tamron (ie: 17-

    50 and 25-75, 2.8). The reports seem to indicate that the Tamron lenses are as

    good as the "L" Canon lenses. Does anyone have practical experience to

    share? Do the "L" lens REALLY provide tack sharper results?

    Spending the big bucks for marginally better results is a hard gulp. Thanks

  8. I recently shot an event with 4-5 people in several of the images...I made

    several images, even using the std "portrait" spot on the 20D. These were

    inside and I was using my 550EX, off camera pointed 45 degrees. Lighting was

    off a bit and the DOF on the outside people was a bit fuzzy. Using 28-70 2.8

    Tamron lens. Anysuggestions to bring the light brighter and getting the

    outside people tac sharp? Thanks

  9. Thanks to you all for your replies. I am feeling more confident than before. I'll be using both a 17mm (4.0) and 28 (2.8) mm lens in addition to an old 14mm fisheye (FD-Film) for effect. I'm going to review the property from a biz, rather than friendly, view this afternoon. I agree that two 550s may make sense in a few of the rooms......Thanks again.
  10. I hope anyone can provide some fast guidance... I mentioned to a friend that I

    would photograph the inside of his mansion/...then, after speaking with a few

    friends, they suggested that my itsy-bitsy 550EX on top of the 20D wouldn't

    handle it and I would need strobes and soft box etc etc.


    If anyone has specific experience in indoor lighting (during the daytime),

    would you kindly share your thoughts on how I should approach it, or should I

    simply bow out of the deal. Thanks, Ron

  11. I know NOTHING about studio lighting. I've been using natural light and am

    opening a studio around December using my 503cw. Would someone kindly direct

    me to the ABCs (book, whatever, etc) of umbrellas, strobes, etc and

    positioning. Consider me dumber than dumb :). Thanks for everyone who

    replies. I do very much appreciate it. Ron

  12. Hello to all and an advance thanks to repliers:

    I want to redesign my website (previously used NetObjects7)to sizzle

    a bit. I am NOT computer code oriented and would like to ask for

    help, advise and guidance from the experience of you all. Are there

    any easy-to-use/build web building software packages? (Prefer easy

    to learn and use) All I need are thumbnails exploded to biggies.


  13. If you're going to take the time to hunt wildlife phots, why not invest some money and buy a 400L/5.6. I think B&H sell it for around $1,000. Cheap wildlife shots will give cheap wildlife results
  14. I have been using my EOS bodies and, quite frankly, forgot about the FDs. A light went on in my head and I thought I could save money by using the FDs more than the EOS. My only reservation is the FD bodies are old and subject to shutterlag or downright shutterstop. I used the A1 sometime ago and found the sharpness (20mm/2.8) not crisp. Maybe Im just dreaming a bit too.... Money is a bit tight these days. Am I making sense, Ed?
  15. I have an old AE-1 and A1 body and was thinking that it might still

    be okay for landscape, nature or portrait photogs where time is not

    an issue. The FD lens are all SCC premium. Thoughts from anyone?

  16. Hi all,


    I've been asked to shoot a friends wedding. I've been doing

    nature/landscape/sports (www.photoeyes.net). I have 10D, 'Blad, EOS3

    I was thinking of using the 'blad + 80mm for B/W shots and the 10D

    for color using 24-80/2.8 and 70-200/2.8 for Color. 550EX is my

    flash. I am unbelievably nervous about this deal as its a friend and

    I want to do the best I can.


    I would appreciate any suggestions on essential shot poses as well as

    lens changes, ISO settings etc etc. I will be the primary and its

    outdoors (wedding/reception) Only 20-40 people total. Thanks to all

    for suggestions. I think Im on study overload. :)

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