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Image Comments posted by briany

    Ruby Beach Evening

    Gorgeous shot. Excellent colors and composition. The only item that bothers me is the reflection on the right side of the pool, which is lighter than the sky itself. A little darkening would make the reflection look more natural, and make that a less distracting element.

    Tang Lei

    I like it, but can't help but notice the blue cast that dominates the image except for the Tangs. It looks like they've possibly had their color nicely restored in Photoshop, but for example the white stripe of the fish on the left and the whites on the turtle are still heavily tinged with blue. I wonder what the image would look like with the blue cast removed universally? Regardless, a quite amazing scene you've captured.

    -35C or -31F

    Gorgeous - you can feel the cold, which contrasts nicely with the warm light. Where was this? Takes some dedication to wake up pre-dawn and go out in -30 degree weather..


    Very nice capture, and he's very cute. I do think the background looks a little Photoshopped. Maybe use less blur while still adding a little for effect? (As is, even if the little guy is only 4" long, that would make the blur streaks at least 0.5", and the exposure was 1/2500. 1250 in/s... That would mean the guy was indeed moving quick - about 71 mph!!)

    Annual Cicada

    Great capture. I was wondering where this was taken, as I remember seeing the skeletons slinging quite tightly to the bark of pine trees when I was growing up in Georgia, and sure enough! I've seen the skeletons, but never the bug. Wild "mask" on his face. Did you get any shots of him crawling out of his skin? I'm sure that was a sight as well.
  1. Nice photo, but the photoshopping doesn't work. The buildings on the horizon are lighter than the sky. How are they being lit then, if not by the sky? Also, the left side of the boat is brighter than the sky, which doesn't really make sense. The reflection in the water is much more true -- the left side (and right side) of the boat in the relection is significantly darker than the sky, which appears to have been quite blue. If you darken the buildings, darken the ocean and get rid of the blue reflection, you'd start to get a more stormy feeling in-line with the sky you photoshopped. I like the dramatic composition but feel the post work could be stronger.
  2. Amazing image! The horizontal line on the rock form, presumably caused by water, seems like it should be more horizontal (same with your stunning pictures of Goosenecks). You have an excellent portfolio, with great shots of stunning natural beauty.


  3. Thanks, Christopher. Though I'd hoped to make it down on the 5th anniversary, I didn't. At twilight the sky looked great but I was stuck at work. By the time I was home and ready to head down there, the clouds were already rolling in.


    MM - Thanks for the kind comment. This is 4 shots stiched together, each taken at 18mm to get an almost 180 degree panorama. I did try some vertical panoramas of the light as well and will play around with them and see if I got anything decent.


    Will - looks like dirty strips of hanging plastic, such as would cover a large door. I like the photo a lot but the softness evident in the large version bothers me.
  4. I can't believe that no one has written a critique on this one. It's really a great shot. The texture and toning are beautiful. Perhaps the shadow of the hand is a bit dark, but still excellent...


    Very nicely done indeed. I was momentarily confused as well.. it really looks like a landscape in the background, and this beast is soaring through the air.

    His Orangeness

    I disagree with the above comments about the background. I've seen So many bird-on-solid color background shots. I think the background provides nice context and makes this a strong environmental portrait. I would consider toning down the leaves in the upper left, and perhaps also some of the branch highlights, but in general I think the background works nicely. The foreground, of course, is excellent.

    Traffic ;-)

    it's funny.. I have a very similar shot of turtles doing this on a log. Must be a somewhat common behavior. Nice shot; good job of controlling the highlights.


    Very cute subject. The background does look a bit odd to me, sort of a shower door effect. It's marked as unmanipulated, but this wasn't photoshopped? I've never seen such bokeh naturally. You have some wonderful shots in your portfolio -- thanks for posting.


    Very interesting shot.. I like that the sense of scale is a bit ambiguous, but it also might be really interesting to add a human element to the scene... a few people scattered about or a tractor. It's a wonderfully interesting shot as-is though.

    NYC Subway


    Ah, we're practically neighbors (along with a few other people ;-) I'm 3 stops up and a few blocks east. Have a friend on 51? btw 2&3.. nice area.


    This subway stop has always seemed odd to me.. I think I like the old style, and would have preferred new interesting tile mosaics... seems like some artists in the city would love the exposure, but perhaps I'm wrong.


    It is pretty clean though, and has a modern feel that you've captured well. The style is also a good match for this section of the city. I might also like this same composition with some people streaking along in front of the blue. I'm glad they made the tunnel--it's nice to be able to catch the E to Penn!


    The colors here are beautiful yet hard to describe. The flowers are warm, without feeling hot. The cool deep greens and blues (the colors I choose -JT) perfectly balance the warmer hues, and the saturation is perfect. I think the composition stands very well, and the depth of field is perfect. Beautiful rendition of a gorgeous scene.
  5. Black dogs can be so hard to expose for properly, and they sometimes create too much contrast on film. You've captured this guy very nicely. I like the attitude captured, and the tones work well together and are not overly saturated.
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