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Posts posted by erikj

  1. I have been using my Fuji S2 more than I should be. I usually do a fair amount of

    Photoshop work on my images, but I want to get back into using film. I want to scan and

    print images on my Epson 2200, or use them in print design (I am a graphic designer as

    well). I will be using 6x6 and 4x5. Is there a film scanner that is reasonably priced that

    does 4x5? I know I can get the Nikon 9000 for around $2000 or so for the 6x6.


    Are there any other scanners in general that I should be thinking of? Does anyone know of

    a good site to see scanner reviews?



  2. I always shoot RAW and always have to adjust the resulting image. The images usually

    come out slightly soft, desaturated and flat. You could probably set up a standard action

    in Photoshop to bring the image closer to what you want. I find myself saturating images

    about 10% and then bumping up the contrast about the same amount, and then

    sharpening the image a bit. Then I start with the burning/dodging etc.

  3. I would assume that the D2X is going to be superior in almost every aspect, but it will

    probably be almost twice the cost (I've heard $3000 and $5500). The bodies that these

    cameras are based on will have the biggest effect on the AF and motors, etc. The D2X also

    has a slightly larger sensor, which means slightly larger view area.

  4. I have the S2, and it is a great camera. The image quality is awesome. Have you looked at

    the dpreview.com reviews? They have a lot of good info there and you can see test images.

    The S2 syncs at 1/125, the S3 will be 1/180. Neither are for high speed work, but the S2 is

    perfect for studio stuff. I think the D70 might be a better value though. It has a good

    image and a better feature set than the S2. Either way, you will be happy. I am probably

    going to spring for the S3 if it lives up to the hype. The projected price is $3000 though.

    Ouch. The sync plug was very nice, but I just got Pocket Wizard stuff a couple of weeks

    ago and I am not using sync cords anymore, so that is not an issue for me personally.

  5. I think that the changes might not be enought for the rumored $3000 pricepoint.


    I love my S2, I did comparisons and looked at all of the features and sample images on

    dpreview, and I feel no regrets to getting it over the competition. I would have a real

    struggle trying to decide between the $1000 D70 and the $2000 S2, though. At twice

    the price, the slightly better image quality just isnt worth it, especially when you look at all

    of the other benefits the D70 has, like a 1/500 flash sync, 1/3 stop EV, 3fps, 1/8000 max

    shutter speed, vertical orientation sensor, and better image than the D100.


    If the S3 was $2000 or less, I would seriously consider selling my S2 for it, and also,

    wouldn't hesitate to buy it over the D70, assuming the images are better than the S2.

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