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Image Comments posted by sanjeewa_wickramarachi

    Boy with horse

    The reslessness of the horse adds to the youthfullness of the picture. Nice. Would have preffered to have seen the hoof not cropped out. But still an amazing shot.



    In my humble opinion, there is nothing wrong with expressing political opinions through art and for thousands of years, many great works of art have been created to express political views. A little too late to stop that now. Also, do not forget, every bit of patriotic, religeous (and much more) art can be construed as political by another. Before we know, we are reduced to pretty flowers cute kittens. That too might tread on some ones environmental or animal rights rights opinions. So go ahead, say what you have to say with your work.

    Having said that, I don't even think this is political 'art'. Doesn't convey anything political or otherwsie to me. Hasn't captured a moment, emotion or a message. Just a snapshot of a flag. Maybe a Gay Pride symbol. But that doesn;t make this political or art. For me that is.

  1. Good Comp. Can't help but wonder what it would look like if you were to saturate the color of the brick structure a bit. expecially towards the top. Might make it more striking. Or might ruin an alreadty great photo. But had to suggest it. Cheers.
  2. Jenna. Wonderful that you are trying your hand at Street photography probably the most challenging of all types. Bear with me for I will be critical and fervently hope that you will find a scrap of useful info in my observations. I really don't see that you have captured a 'moment' here. He probably points his finger a few hundred times through out his shift. Had you may be captured some happy people going about their way in he same frame - especially to maybe patronize the establishment that's got him planted here, that would have been a great moment- one that conveyed the contrast between the guy on the payroll and the customers.

    The picture being void of any moment totally looks like a passing shot. A casual 'just becasue he was there' snap.

    Some applauded the empty road on the left. It just doesn;t seem to communicate anything to me. It just looks like the traffic light has changed and the drone of traffic is just on it's way- nothing to do with the subject.

    The lines- they don't exactly draw your eye to him. Hence don't really enhance the photo. The half cropped shadow is also a bit distracting.

    And i still think if you used a lower deapth of field it would have helped to isolate the subject (not completely eliminate traffic - as one person misunderstoof me).

    Experiment with moving in closer physically with a wider lense setting. This engages the subject and pulls the audience in like no zoom lense can.

    I am not trying to rag on the photo but i felt it only fair that some one offers opportunities to improve along with praise about empty space and moments (that i frankly don't see). Please keep up the good work and I look forward to your future contributions.

  3. Humorous subject. But you don't seem to have done much with it. Looks like you snapped a picture passingly. The background is distracting. Maybe a very high shutter speed (cos of the bright sun) with a wider opening on the lens might have shortened the depth of field. Even then the shots needs a lot more become interesting. Hope this helps.

    Almost Human

    A truly wonderful sculpture. But it seems you just snapped a picture of it. The perfectly in-focus background is distracting. The photo just looks like a passing shot. But again, it is a great sculpture.
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