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Image Comments posted by mlhostetter



    Fuji FinePix S7000. Just got this camera today and am tryin my hand

    at Macro. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank You


    Tree knome


    This is a mesquite tree stump. However the hair of this knome is

    another type of tree that is growing from the mesquite tree. I

    thought this was highly unusal. Enjoy and please share your thoughts

    on this photo.


    Thank you for your imput.





    I agree in after reading your remarks, I purchased a Brietek HS600 Strobe and am using a 36"x36" softbox. The difference was amazing! I am still learning the positioning of the light, Ughhhh very furstrating, but Oh so Reewarding when I get a better result! Thanks for the help on this one!


    Happy Shootin'


  1. I just purchased a set of Britek HS600 Strobes and am using a 36"x36"

    softbox in this shot. I noticed that in many of my other shots, my

    daughter "blew out" because of the power of the strobe and her light

    skin. At this shot, the light with softbox was place about 9' from

    her due to space limitations. Any ideas on how to stop the blow out

    in the future. This was the best of the bunch I think. Others were

    placed in my single photos folder for comparision.


    Thank you


    Shoot me!

    Igor, I have always been a great fan of your work and I follow what you do. I enjoy watching your vision be put on film and I love what you do with this photo. You are the type of photographer I strive to one day be... Keep up the incredible work.

    Confuzed Cat


    I am learning lighting techniques with a white background and

    portable flash units on slave triggers... How close and I getting

    with this technique?

  2. Thank you Javed, This was taken in my early years of photographing. Before I knew what diffusion was all about lol. And the red tint is pretty annoying, but I keep it around to remind me where I came from started. :>

    Bride lV

    This is much better with an overall feel of joy. The lighting is much more subtle with the definition between the model and the background. Very nice photo.

    Bride lll


    I understand that you were going for a high key effect. I was simply stating that the harsh lighting on the brides face blew out the flesh tones on her cheek. I was under the mistaken belief that High Key meant great defintion between the subject and the background. I did not mean to offend only to critique. My apologies. If you did not want others opinions, you should not have asked.Again, My apologies.

    Oh and BTW, the wife comment made by someone earlier was a joke I am sure. Maybe not a good one, but I am sure no harm was meant. Humor is a good thing...



    Let me know what you think about the color cropping and composition

    on this shot. Its had alot of looks but no ratings. Please let me

    know your thoughts.


    Very beautiful photo. I see a problem with the models hair. It seems to fall off into the background. A back light to seperate the subject from the BG would really make this photo pop.

    a phone

    The eyes of your subject is the most important part of any photo, here , the glasses do not distract the viewer, but draws them in. Trying to figure out the relection draws one in . Good Job.

    Spring 2004

    Nice DOF. Alittle cropping to maybe a vertical 5x7 shot to put more emphasis on the subject would be nice. The backgound , while blurred is alittle distracting. I think the chains to frame her would be enough to let the viewers know where she is.

    Bride lll

    The lighting is very harsh for this photo. Blows out the bride's face in areas. Next time try to diffuse the light by shooting through a softbox or umbrella. Beautiful lady.

    Learning Light


    I am learning lighting techniques and I am hoping I can get feedback

    on what I can do to improve. This was shot with digital camera, using

    monolights. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you,





    I am currently starting out a small sideline buisness of doing Studio

    Portraits for my friends, relatives, and a few others. They all say

    how good I am becoming but I think maybe they have to because of our

    relationships..lol.. My main concern is getting outside unbias

    opinions on my work. Other than the lab guys who say it is marvelous

    in order to sell thier sevices. I really want to learn how to improve

    on this area of my photograpghy. I have a total of 5 photos in my

    Portaits folder if you are interested in looking at them, Thanks for

    all of your imput!



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