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Posts posted by steve_allans

  1. Yes, Excuse the use of the word apartheid discriminatory is the

    appropriate word. BUT, there is little price difference in the other

    Canon line maybe ten percent. But 50 percent for the 300 D.

    There are NO import duties whatsoever on these cameras. And

    buying from B&H will provide the same price. This is out and out

    price gouging and Australia seems even more squeezed. To

    claim the Canadian market is that much different is ridiculous.

    80 percent of the pop. is 100 miles from US.

  2. I first read about the 50 percent extra list price for Canada and

    Europe on the website Steve's Digicams. And checking the

    Canon website found it to be true after currency exchange the

    300D is 50 percent higher in price in Canada and Europe!!!!!

    Why?!?! Will Nikon and Pentax follow with this price gouging?

    Does anyone know why this is the pricing?


    What would be the way to start such a boycott or is it a matter of

    the Canon digital monopoly(almost) pushing it's weight around

    and there is nothing we can do?

  3. Having seen some adapters to use manual focus lens on EOS

    cameras on the auction site I am interested in trying this. Yet I

    read on a thread that it is not recommended by Canon. Is this not

    recommended as ,in they will lose sales if we didn't buy EOS

    lens or the electronic circuits will fry if used with a non EOS

    compatible lens? Does anyone with experience either way read

    this forum?

  4. Thanks everyone for the answers,

    ...so in 645 format roughly a 75-80mm f 2.8 will be equivalent

    to 50mm at f 1.4 and a 120mm f 3.5 = 80 f 1.8? I will

    compensate for the slower shutter speeds with a tripod or faster

    film. Thanks again everyone. Are the fuji 645 rangefinders only

    in the wider angles?

  5. Excuse my lack of knowledge as I am new to med format and

    have searched the archives for information about equivalent lens

    in terms of focal length and DoF . My fave lens in 35mm are 50

    mm f1.4 (nice bokeh) and 80 mm 1.8 both in manual focus.

    What might be the 645 and 6X7 equivalents and do the

    rangefinders (Fuji and Mamiya) have a diff equation. Is there a

    website with this type of info. Do the Fuji 645's come in a short

    tele model? Thanks for any responses.

  6. For Kelly and others re: converters where have you seen


    the ones I have seen are pentax screwmount to eos and leica to

    eos pentax screwmount to pentax k-mount and canon fd to eos.

    But has anyone seen a minolta manual focus mount to eos


    These adapters go between your lens and body and make it

    slightly farther from the film plane is this a performance issue?

    Lastly, can rangefider lens be used on an slr (w/ converter).


    Thanks in advance for answers.

  7. There were people who said that the curve ball was an optical

    illusion,till someone filmed it using upright sticks to prove that

    indeed the rotational energy of a curveball did indeed make the

    curveball, curve. Now, since the film grain is continuous tone

    and the extra increments of scanning ie 5400 ppi would indeed

    make a difference. That is without question. even if you were to

    do a million ppi scan (whoa big hardrive needed) there would


    be more info (many pixels scanning a grain)now the only point

    might be would anyone be able to tell the difference in the

    diminishing rate of returns. which brings us to the main point for

    most of us. Can we get a better scan from 5400 dpi $900

    scanner than a med format scanner at $900? And as for the bet

    statement by Scott , when the 5400 comes out someone will do

    a test. But in the meantime , I'll bet there are more places to

    process 35mm film and i bet that the

    AF will beat the pants off med format.and the lens will cost less

    and that i can change 20 rolls of film will in action faster than in

    your 6X7 and i bet that a 35mm outfit with a few lenses weighs

    less than your 6X7. Yes, I have med gear and yes i like the

    bigger negs, BUT, that wasn't what this thread was about.

    Final point try scanning ave transparency at 4000 ppi and res

    down to 1000 and compare to a 1000ppi scan from same

    scanner.More color info in res down version. More pixel to get

    info from(4 times more).

  8. Well Carl , the bigger files surely do provide more info and more

    resolution. As for film grain there are many grain reduction

    programs available. At the very least alot more color info that the

    digital cameras sorely lack. ie blown out highlights and

    OBNOXIOUS REDS. Bigger files soooo. Your next computer

    will be faster,bigger,than your current one. Not trying to pick on

    you , but these limits people put on things makes me laugh.

    No one will ever break Bob Beamon's record, man cannot go to

    the moon! Go to the link provided above www.clarkvision.com

    8000 is better than 6000 which is better than 4000. Grade one

    math.So simple. another website (can,t remember which) had

    645 negs cut down and placed into 35mm slide mounts and it

    gave much more info. Presumably because of the extra

    thickness. this opens up more resolution to be had. Enough for

    I'm going to throw out my Kodak Brownie.You can have it if you


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