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Image Comments posted by marcelopinto

  1. Even without a caption, you can tell that the girl is watching something... the flag makes hints at a parade, and that's what it is. I like the lighting (I'd like a little more contrast, though). It's a simple message, nicely captured.
  2. Was the trunk digitally added? If so, it should match the white balance of the base photo. If not, it could still be corrected. It stands out so much that it detracts from the rest of the composition.
  3. I like the feel of sterility of the photo. From the original, is it possible to straighten the horizon line (curb)? and perhaps lower it a little? It might show less of the empty space on the street and reveal more of the building on the right.



    Beautiful composition with great use of shadows. I found the use of the model's skin tones rather than clothing very interesting. This one is my favorite in your portfolio, Fabricio.

    As for the comment (above) on the arm hair (or is it peach fuzz?), it seems to imply that perhaps you should have taken care to hide the model's arm hair. Should a careful photographer ask a model (male or female) to shave, use makeup to hide blemishes, pluck their eyebrows, and so forth? When photographing an elderly model, should the photographer use lighting to decrease age spots and wrinkles... or to highlight them to focus on the model's age?

    Maybe these are all just a bunch of philosophical questions... if so, let me just produce a more photo.net-acceptable comment: "Nice shot! The arm hair added exquisite texture to the model's arm."

    Bonito trabalho, Fabrício!

    New Growth


    I'm trying to get correctly the lighting in macro photos of plants and flowers. In bright light, there's burnout, especially on leaves. In indirect light, the photo tends to get dull.

    I hope I got this photo right. It was shot under a clear blue sky in the shade in the late afternoon.

    Any well thought out feedback on lighting or anything else is appreciated.


  4. Macrophotograph

    First, an apology: I had asked for critique on this shot, but screwed up the download. So, here it goes again...


    This is a shot of a bubble of broken glass in a window pane. It's actually a very small portion of the original capture.I'd appreciate your critique, especially if you're into macrophotography, which I'm getting more and more interested in.




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