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Posts posted by bjarke_vejby

  1. Felix, congrat. with your reborned Leica.


    Re: "..never ever use those shutter releases..."


    I use Tom A´s soft releases all the time, and i guess i gain a full stop in dark

    conditions and has never heard that the soft releases should be "persona

    non grata" ?

  2. I don't understand why the G5 is the subject of so much interest. IMO the

    Minolta Dimage 7, now 1 1/2 year old, still is the best proconsumer digital

    camera. I had it for more than 1 year and its sublime. Never the less i can spot

    the differences from the M in a nanosecond: (to sharp and plastic colours in

    some kind of a digital way/meaning, and without PS one is f......).


    My favorit "photo.net-uploader" at the moment is BTW shooting with that

    camera: Robert Ottohall:



  3. Karim, no offence. Managing double meanings is not and art, if we are talking

    about ones native language. Never the less i'm not born yesterday. After

    naming the tread and confirming the posting (no point of return), and

    especially with that pict., my conclusion is.......... : self-induced !

  4. What i called the thread is a direct translation from danish to english of what

    the guy on the photo is doing, and was in my mind not related to anything

    else. Karim, do you say hmmmmm, when Bob Dylan sings "Blowing in the

    wind" ?

  5. Pict. taken with a Sony Ericsson T610. Subject is a buddy on my the screen

    while testing Apples new Video Ichat program. Beeing a member of mac.com

    you just plug in a firewire enabled DV videocamera, and pling duplex sound

    and exstreme good quality. Nothing to do with Leica, but .....<div>005PUi-13402784.jpg.a7bdd3d09f9d68b631bf4a2221576146.jpg</div>

  6. Steve, i bought the book in London last month, (and James Lager Volume II)

    and nearly had to pay overload when entering the plane home. In UK its

    published by Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-54267-8. At page 5 i can see

    the following:


    " French text translated from HCB: de qui s´agit-il? by Jane Brenton."

  7. Roger, i think you misquote me. I was talking about the quality of a wetprint

    compared to a inkjetprint. My eyes tells me that this type of output is much better,

    than any output coming from a digital camera, this includes streetphotos, but again

    thats my opinion. I'm not talking about internetpicts; nobody can se the differents

    between a digital camera and a largeformat camera.

  8. Lets say a digital back for a R8 or R9 cost 2000 US dollars, and we are talking

    about a changeable 10 megapixel back. Thats cheeper than bying a Nikon or

    Canon high spec digital SLR-camerahouse. Thats IMO a huge progress for

    owners of R-gear. Further, they dont need to invest in dual lenses. And the

    dont need a truck to carry the gear around.


    Re: the G5 topic, yes the Canon G's are very nice cameras, but please, we are

    talking about computerpresentation on a 17 inch. LCD and outprints from a

    inkjetprinter. I choose to believe, that our M-masterpieces coming from the wet

    darkroom wil turn up much better than any of the pict made by any digital

    camera, but (perhaps) the new Kodak digital camera (6000 US dollars).

  9. Gregory


    " there's a 24 inside every 21, and a 24 inside every 28......as long as you are

    prepared to crop a little bit "


    Look at this pict from White Lion Pub in London, it's cropped from 21 to

    approx. 24 mm. I dont like it. I'm quite sure that the distorsion would be non-

    existing with a 24 mm or a 28 mm. But a 28 mm could not take this specific

    pict. in the narrow street.

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