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thomas semesky

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Posts posted by thomas semesky

  1. <p>I have a problem. Somehow I deleted three images that I meant to save. I had formatted the memory card, but luckily I didn't shoot anything on it. <br>

    <br />I used the iCare Data Recovery program and was able to recover the three images that I needed. They are saved in a folder using the Canon Zoom Browser EX program. It says they're saved as a TIFF file, but I know that this can't be right. When I hit the "display original image" button, I get a "unable to convert the image" window.<br>

    <br />When I try editing in Photoshop 7, I get a warning window, "In order to edit a raw file, it must be converted into an editable image type. This can be achieved by using Process Raw Image Task, or by clicking Display Original Image button in the viewer". <br>

    <br />So there it stands. I'm just going around in circles. How can I convert the recovered images so that they can be edited? I would appreciate any help or suggestions. I must warn you that I'm "computer challenged", so you'll probably have to explain it in simple terms. LOL Thanks in advance...</p>

  2. <p>My nephew works in Kuwait. He sent me this link: <a href="http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/162386/reftab/73/t/Camera-banregressive-idea/Default.aspx">http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/162386/reftab/73/t/Camera-banregressive-idea/Default.aspx</a><br>

    He also sent me a link to a Kuwait TV station talking about the ban, but it's in Arabic.<br>

    They are getting pretty serious in that country about many things. GOD BLESS AMERICA!</p>

  3. <p><strong>"there is no such thing as a citizen journalist"</strong><br>

    Yes there is! I can cite you numerous times where police over reacted and started beating someone and a citizen with a camera was there to capture the moment. Or how about when the Twin Towers went down, powerful photographs shot by the "average joe" displayed side-by-side with the photographs shot by the photojournalist. <br>

    Here in the Chicago area, this year marked an important annivesary of the worst air disaster to hit the area. The local newspapers retold the story featuring the only photo's of the impending fate of the plane, shot by a citizen at the airport. The first photo is the plane taking off with smoke coming from one of its wings. The second photograph is the plane banking 90 degress before it hit the ground. Again, poweful photographs. The photojournalist can't be everywhere, that's were a citizen journalist can have a big impact.</p>

  4. <p>I think at the beginning most of us are gearheads, until we find our own photography nitch. I can now do more with as little equipment as possible then when I first started out. Back then, I was always looking for the next new piece of gear that would make me the next (fill in your favorite photographer's name here) ____________________________________.</p>
  5. <p>I'm not understanding what you are trying to do. If you are making a magazine for your own personal pleasure what difference does the price per page have to do with anything, as long as you are happy with the results? If you are thinking of doing this as a business adventure, 25 to 30 cents per page doesn't seem like a profit could be made when you start adding the time and material that you will put into the project. Maybe I'm missing something here. Is this "magazine" supposed to be like you buy at newstand or is it being used to let people know about your son's photography business, like a brochure?</p>
  6. <p>A PN ID card has no more value than one issued by one of the local camera clubs. Like others have said, anyone is entitled to take photographs in public places so what would be the value of this type of card. It won't get you into a Presidential news conference or a sporting event. Besides if you need an ID most of us have one already, it's called a "driver's license". </p>
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