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kelvinphoto - arlington, t

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Posts posted by kelvinphoto - arlington, t

  1. WEll! I only keep one back-up and that is on DVD of original captured file. I think folks worry too much about back-up and soon there will be software call PCVS, Picture Concurrent Versions System like we use in software to keep version of software released, to keep verioning of photo/pictures edited such original photo (op) 1.0 --> op edit verion 1.1 --> oped 1.2, etc. :)
  2. Hi Phineas,

    Since my major is CSE, I design it myself. I am in the process of beginning develop one of the photonetter website that asking the same question. :). Email me and I can help you how to get your site up and and running with hundreds and thousands free templates within a week or two.


    I just wish I have a lot of sparetimes, so that I can create a free-hosting site for us photographer.

  3. The questions are how do you process your works and how do you capture your images?


    I captured my image jpeg+RAW. I rarely process RAW file. I am still using p4 1.8ghz, 1gb memory, 64mb agp video card, and an 250gb IDE 7200rpm for pscs2. It is fast enuff for me? Yes, for what I need. It is fast enuff for you? I think so, but only you can tell. Will it finish double the amount of works for you? I don't think so because the slow processor is still the human. It might increase your work from 10%-25% if you move your hand, fingers, and eyes fast enuff.)


    By the way, if you want a good machine, you need to build one instead of purchasing a pre-build system.

  4. Jammey,

    Well, like I said. If you think your customer is capable of browsing your website, then it is good for you. I just want everyone to know that you are design a website for your customer and not for yourself, so think as a customer's view.


    What do you expect from a photographer website if you are a B&G looking for a photographer and view their website? Do you really like waiting for flash to load, play sound, and do others really fancy stuff for every page load, intro, exit, etc? Do customer really like fancy banner, flying animation, etc? Do customer really want to be able to access your works ASAP and find out what your works are all about? Just keep in mind that when you design a website, you are design for a customer.


    Every photographer has a DSLR, but not everyone own a DSLR is a photographer.

  5. Sorry, but I hate FLASH Site. The reasons are fancy & waiting to load, and heavy on those that still use dial up.


    Just ask yourself a few questions; Do you design the website for yourself or for your customers? Are your customers smart enuff to browse your site?


    Just KISS!

  6. I like Anne 'sidea. Offer them a gift certificate up to # of days expiration if they dont use it. If they telling the truth, then they will rebook. If not, then they either have hired another photographer or whatever reasons not to book you.
  7. [At a fundamental level, wedding photography is a luxury item--it's not a necessity like food or shelter. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. "I think it costs too much" isn't a justification for stealing it.]


    Come on, don't tell me that you don't shop around for your gear and find a reasonable price.


    I think this is a very mean statement [if you can't afford it, don't buy it.] So, if the gase price is $20/gallon and if I can't afford it, then I have to quit my job and stay home or walk to work? Be reasonable would you?


    I understand that luxury item has it price, but not a rip-off price. Like many other photographers have said ..."Charge your price upfront and forget about reprint" and if you don't give cd away, then make your reprint price as reasonable, so that your pictures doesn't get wrong impression from Walmart lab. How much does it cost you to get a 4x6? And do you feel consciously right to charge people 100 times of your cost with little effort? This is the reason why you, the photographer, force the client into stealing.

  8. I don't blame couple of doing that kind of stuff. I blame the photographer for that. Most of the photographers reprint price is rediculously expensive and rip-off. $25 for a 4x6? wth? that is like 2-4 hour wages for that couple after tax. After they order a reprints for friend and relative, it is like they paying for another 2-5 weddings that don't have. Be reasonable with your pricing and the couple will come back for more reprints.
  9. Get it. It is CF not Microdrive. why don't you try newegg.com instead of buying locally? You end up paying almost $100 for it. The CF price has been falling tremendously because of competition.


    CF is CF. If it fail, then it already fail in the first place. Do you know what kind of memory or brand-name does your computer has? It will probably out live your camera and next camera and the next camera and the next camera and the next camera. The only time that it will fail on you when you decide to upgrade and don't need it anymore.

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