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Posts posted by g._r._gooderham

  1. Thanks again. What I actually do is try assigning until i see which one best matches the colors I saw when the photo was taken and usually RGB 1998 is the best match, with this said I then convert to the RGB 1998 color space. Sorry if if i missname some of this but am I on the right track? I have redone the adobe Gamma 2 times to double check. I am still getting a miss matched color, red is not red but rather orange or pinkish depending on which i use.
  2. Hi Ed.

    Thank you for this, Let me clarify( and yes I had downloaded the profiles from Ilford). My Photo starts out as an sRGB, I assign then convert to RBG 1998.( which is also my working space).

    In print with preivew I use:

    color management - selected

    source space - document = RGB 1998

    Print space - Here Is where I have tried both RGB 1998 and the Classic Pearl profiles and get different printed colors then my screen color.

    I also used the proof set up and there seems to be no real color change in switching back and forth it is just in the final print.

    In my Canon software driver I only select what the Classic pearl instructions recommend for ; paper type etc. all color managemnt is off in the driver.

    Thanks again... but still mystified

  3. I am having a great deal of trouble matching colors ( screen to

    print)For example what I have on screen is a Red truck.

    I assign document a to adobe(rgb) 1998 profile, set print space to

    the CP profile, set the recommended settings in the driver software

    to the CP profile. I get a slightly pink version of red

    I assign document adobe(rgb)1998 profile, set print space to the

    adobe 1998 profile, set the recommended settings in the driver

    software to CP.I get a more orange red. Niether matches.

    I have tried assigning srgb with the same although duller results.

    I use Adobe photoshop CS( several years experience),NEC monitor (

    calibrated with Adobe Gamma).

    Can anyone suggest some way to match these up better.


  4. Hi bob

    OK I found it, little did i know this route, it would be nice to post these instructions and changes on the main page . I am glad to still see this option available. I do support this site and would gladly pay more to see it continue . It is a valuable asset that a few years ago was not available to aspiring photographers.Without this site how would we ever see some of the truely wonderful photos people display and if it is not about "looking and seeeing " then why do we take pictures? If the digital age brings forth too many " photographers" so be it. As my gradmother used to say " from the compost pile rich rewards are sown".


  5. I have to agree with those that dislike the new gallery.I miss the random image section that used to come up when I clicked the gallery section also. I always viewed the random and recent uploads as a way to see fresh work, IT WAS A GREAT FEATURE. PLEASE PUT IT BACK.I have a slow connectin ( no dsl in my area) and to browse thru portfolios is not always rewarding or time effective to me.I to have found some truely exciting photographers through the gallery. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK

    Thank you

  6. Hi all

    Thank you for the quick response, I appreciate now the "under paid, over worked " problem and sorry for being a bug. I certainly was not interested in"just an icon by my name" I greatly respect what this site does and truely believe in suppoting it as I have contributed so many photos and gotten much in return. I believe in supporting this site we will help keep a good thing getting better .

    Thanks again

  7. I need some help... I subscribed (joined) last week but still do not

    show up as a member here. I have sent 3 e-mails through this sight

    with no response and the phone number given for help does not seem

    to work!

    Can anyone assist me further?

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