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Everything posted by jim_a

  1. <p>Hi Brandan,<br> The second file seems to have some kind of banding below the lights.<br> Try to rent an X100 and see how you like it. I have the original X100 and could never come to love working with it. The files were fine but focusing was the biggest downside. </p>
  2. <p>I agree the 28 is too close to the 35. The 21 is a hard lens to use well without becoming gimmicky. The 24 might be the sweet spot. Rent a 24 for a week from Lensrentals.com and see how it goes.</p>
  3. <p>Having owned the V4 Cron, 35 ASPH Cron and a 2.8 Summaron I would say the Zeiss 35/2.8 Biogon C is my favorite lens. It's as good as, perhaps a BIT better, than the ASPH cron at 2.8. The Biogon's resistance to flare is amazing. Below is a photo I took with all three lenses to stress test them that might give you an idea. If you want the original DNG files send me an email. <img src="http://www.jimarnold.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/misc/trio.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="1596" /></p> <p> </p>
  4. <p>A 4GB drive acts a my main storage device. Every night that drive is cloned (updated) to another 4GB drive. Both of these live inside my Mac Pro. Every so often I plug in my Drobo and another bare drive into a BlacX device and use Carbon Copy cloner to update those drives. Eventually I should take one of those drives to the office.<br> The secondary 4GB drive is this slower/inexpensive <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/835055-REG/Hitachi_0S03359_4TB_Internal_Hard_Drive.html">Hitachi drive</a>. For my main 4GB I went with a 4GB WD Black with a 5-year warranty<br> I recently completed uploading about 500GB of photos and videos to Amazon's "Glacier." This is cold storage meant for items that are infrequently accessed. If you are a Mac user look at Arq as the AWS interface. At a penny a GB a month this is my ultimate failsafe backup. Having everything there is real peace of mind.<br> A few years ago I was backing up everything to DVDs but stopped. Even my old DVDs are perfectly readable.</p>
  5. <p>Personal preference. I have to use a PC at work about 5% of the time. I cannot imagine being a full-time Windows person. I'd run Ubuntu first...<br> <br /> I have a 2009 Mac Pro. I'm holding out for an updated Mac Mini with a PCIe SSD.</p>
  6. <p>I went from the 5D, skipping the II and III, and went with the 6D.<br> The 6D feels more responsive. I always felt the 5D took too much pressure and travel distance to trip the shutter. The 6D shutter release is lighter and more responsive. Auto ISO is nice to have over the 5Dc. However, Canon is brain dead in their lack of EV compensation capability when in Manual mode with auto iso.<br> As far as image noise, higher ISO is much better than the 5Dc. 1600 on the 5D is very good. 6,400 on the 6D amazes me. The 6D is smaller and lighter enough than the 5D that it's appreciated.<br> Wifi was not important to me in deciding between the 5DMK3 and the 6D. I've used it several times now for work. Bonus.<br /> Cannot think of a single thing I miss from the 5D going to the 6D.<br> The quite shutter mode is a great new feature over the 5D.<br> Except for higher ISO, from 1600 down image quality is the same. All the gains come from the experience of using the camera.</p>
  7. <p>For street shooting have you considered the 40mm 2.8 Pancake? Wonderfully small, sharp and inexpensive. I have the orig 35/2EF now discontinued. Rented the 35/2 IS to test. It's a wonderful lens, better in the corners at large apertures, but bigger than the EF and didn't see an advantage for the cost since IS was not a must have.<br> Of course IS only helps with static subjects</p>
  8. <p>To follow up on <a href="/photodb/user?user_id=501216">James Elwing</a>'s response about the "notchy" feeling shutter. I did rent an M-E for a week and noted the distinct difference when the camera was in "soft" shutter release mode compared to the regular mode, which allows for exposure lock. </p>
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