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Image Comments posted by deeug

    Rice harvesters

    I like a lot this "green"geometry but I think that more space beneath those two men at the bottom of the picture was needed.And also it would have been better if red man was in the position of blue one.
  1. I'm not interested in what were your start points and I'm not looking for something to recognize in this picture.

    It is a very beautiful abstract work and I can't do enything but congratulate you!

    dark sun

    If I was you I wouldn't have placed the horizont line at the middle of the frame,and this black foreground I don't think that serves well this image.When I"feel"a good photo I always do more than one negative position with other point of views,compositions etc,and finally I choose the best of them.You shoud try it,or play a little with"crop"tool from Photoshop.
  2. First of all I want to thank you all for your ratings and comments.Always are wellcomed!

    And second I'll explain how this photo was made.

    That sphere you see is not a glass bowl but a solid sphere of"ipsos"(I don't know if this is right in english;it is a white powder which,mixed with water became as strong as a stone;is used to fasten broken arms,legs).It is quite havy and I had a lot of trouble when I tried to suspend it.

    The girl is sitting on a table covered in black velvet,and for this photo she had to raise her legs and her body from the table.It was a matter of 2-3 seconds in which she could maintain this position(next day she told me something of a muscular fever,but I don't know where she got it...:))

    I used only one source of light,in the center of the frame,up,as you can see,also covered in velvet and other,from the floor,to light that sphere .I wanted to achive a single line of light from her feets,but from those ten frames from negative this is the best



    ...and also a perfect place for it.

    I don't agree with your composition:I would have framed a little bit to left to achive a perfect simetry with that cross in the center of the frame.

  3. I think this photo is extrordinary BECAUSE of the fog!!!It has a great atmosphere and that lack of detail BECAUSE of the fog is that I like most.

    ATMOSPHERE AND COLORS ARE GREAT but I think you needed(a silhouette of somebody,a building...something)to bring balance in this picture.

  4. Absolut superba!Cerul e cel mai misto cer pe care l-am vazut in vreo fotografie pana acum.E atat de deosebit incat as fi tentat sa spun ca e prelucrata in vreun Photoshop ceva...

    Dar nu inteleg,de ce nu ai mers pe simetrie perfecta aici?!Era mai bine compozitional si servea si ideea.


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