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Image Comments posted by paul_ensom

  1. Gotta love the out of doors. This a great shot... In fact, I not only like the folder, but your whole portfolio! Very fine photography...

    Keep shooting!


    Note: Going on what I've seen (your portrait). I think that you should make a self-portrait folder. -- Just my humble opinion.

  2. This is a great shot! Unfortunately, the ferry has some patches on it just as bright as the gulls and distracts the eye a little. I would recommend equalizing everything but the gulls and the rail to make them the CLEAR object of the photo. Otherwise, I really love this shot.


    (I hope you don't mind my borrowing your photo to show you what I mean -- attached)

  3. Thanks for the comments. I've removed the entire wall/doorframe section. It looks a little strange now, as though the corners of the chair were cut off, due to the shadows that no longer have a source (see attached original). I have experimented with lightening the remaining, faint corners of the chair, but it is difficult to get the selection lined up and feathered properly to match the edge of the sun-lit part. Does anyone think this is a problem?


    chipmonk portrait

    Doesn't he look surprised! (guilty conscience--probably stole those nuts) I would have tried to capture him facing into the frame (so leaving a little more space on the right), but the lighting and colours are great.
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