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Posts posted by michael_carter

  1. The flashing or re-exposing of the film is not critical at all in my readings, one may place the film in a white tray and pass a light all over it. All of the silver must be totally exposed the second time. It is the first exposing in the camera that is critical, after that, the time, temp, agitation, and concentration of whatever developer is used that determines how it all comes out. You can even leave the light on after a certain point in the process. Yes, I have a drying rack that holds 200 feet of film that rotates over a heating bar and have two rewind tanks, one that is motorized which holds 200 feet. Some day I'll get up the nerve to try them out!
  2. My favorite projectors are the Revere ones. Manual loading and a swing out lens are a must for me. I just like all the gears and levers out front in with fins for cooling and a variable speed dial. Problem with Revere projectors is that they start to clank when they go bad. Something in the pull down claw mechanism area. They are too pretty to toss and the parts may be useful for a repair shop.

    I have 30 or so in my collection and useful descriptions of features and problems for each on my web site. Some are doubles and so may be restored completely. Have a visit to my web site. Pictures are not up yet. And I haven't figured out prices either, however, bulbs often are over $30 so you could start there and go up. I have seen R8 projectors sell for over $100 on the bay. Variable speed ones are useful for film transfers.





  3. Hello All,

    My goal is to use an Auricon Pro 600 variable area sound on film 16mm

    movie camera and sound recorder, process the film at home, and make

    prints, processing at home. The camera, sound recorder, and other

    equipment are all at hand as are most of the chemicals.

    Is this a proper place to ask for assistance?

    If not, do you know where to seek like minded users of 16mm B&W

    optical sound?

    Thank you.

    Michael Carter<div>004AXm-10508584.jpg.17037b64118cdfc4dfa9dcbe49395100.jpg</div>

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