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Posts posted by jhenry

  1. Funny enough, I observe that many people keep complaining or whining for years, try other sites but, still, come back here regularly, still whining thou, ... and that's the best of any possible indicators IMO... indicator that the site despite its big is still leading, at least alive at a Myth level (a kind of 'American Dream' for photography on internet), indicator that those PNet's prodigal sons are still frustrated....<p> Well, what to say, the nursery has become quite big, messy enough to beget creativity or get lost, sometimes looks like kindergarden, but if you show up with enough curiosity and less of diva's ego, you can find interesting things and meet interesting people here... there is still fire here thanks to Brian&team, some oldtimers and many newcomers...
  2. Thanks for asking Brian.<p> I also find html very useful to present our work. Like many members, I set different folders with differents thema and I find interesting to show a linkage to each folders thru one representative picture in my bio page. So that visitors can jump directly to selected folder thanks to that peep rather than just reading a plain content list. Give them a taste, and may be the desire to go onto this or that folder<p> I don't care much about showing my highest rated, highest commented... but I can understand some would like. It's a photo website so I am surprised to see photos or sample of gallery in bio pages. <br>From my experience, loading those pages doesn't take more time than loading pages of some active members who posted numerous comments <p> on the other hand, I find the change of background colors or character's polices far more disturbing in appearance and somehow breaking the unity of the website (if that was your question). <p> a good incentive to become paying member IMO!
  3. Guy<p> You are indeed a funny fellow! <p> if you'd "bother" to read my message addressed to you earlier, I mentionned that :<br>"PNet rating summary does includes ALL the rating whatever their source (at the time of update)"<p> so that is: (1x2)+(4x5)+(1x6)=28 <br> (2x6/6 were direct so therefore were eliminated from computation)<p>28/6 = 4.67<br>by the way I was not too far with my previous assumption of a 3/3 not yet updated!<p><i>"What am I missing"</i> ... some sleep may be! and as Brian says that's not monies!<p>:o))
  4. Although it was not bothering, I had a look indeed. may be you should look around too... <p>well, to make it short, from my experience here, PNet rating summary does includes ALL the rating whatever their source (at the time of update). So, and at this very time, that is 7 and not 9. to compute the average they take off direct rating 2 6/6, so that make 5 rating and doesnt take into account. <p> I see from my last visit that the admin, who are runnong periodically soft to erase abuser, my have erase such rater that was taken into account in the average but not yet updated in the summary. That happens sometime, so now I guess the situation is fully updated. sometime you have to be patient here!
  5. No need for frustration Klaus! It's more simple I guess. You are just missing one rating from anonymous, rate which has been computed in the 4.67 average but which details do not appear yet on your screen. Update in Pnet quite varies from figure to figure (you received 6 anonymous rates, and we can still see details for only 5). So my other guess is that you 'likely' got recently a 3/3 or so and that the recent anomymous rater that was not taken into account in the average as it's mentioned by admin is a 6/6.
  6. I see Nicholas, you need to try several time to understand well...:o) <p> MarkB's sentence works perfect for me: <i>"I do not have a single comment (including negatives) left by somebody I want to remove at the present time. But I vote for this option in case I would like to use it in the future."</i>
  7. <i>"you mentionned about "some people" who have many times deleted ther folders... whereby they have deleted comments as well. First, you might as well name me."</i><br> Indeed, you are the most recent case I have in mind, but sorry to desappoint you, you were not the only one I had in mind after years of participation at PN...<p><i>"the 150 comments I have deleted this time along with 14 of my last 17 images are really few in comparison to the hundreds of comments I wrote, and which will, no doubt, be deleted very soon."</i><br>Interesting to read although not really surprising about the value you attached to your own comments! By the way, so don't worry about your precious inputs, during your few 'I-leave-I'm-back's shows', they were kept by the site. <p><i>"Side-note: deleting pictures is allowed, Jacques, whereas double accounts are not." </i><br>Although, I don't see any link with today discussion, if you have specific abusive cases in mind, I invite you to e-mail it to the abuse@PN, as usual :o), instead of being just ranting for ranting.
  8. Yann,<p>This site is not only for rating and critics. <p>Many people upload photo on Pnet to get feedback and critic on their work from other members, many also use that space simply to share with people, or friends or family and don't especiallly wish to receive critics, nor rating. <br>Personnaly, I belong at 85% to the first category, althought from time to time I posted more special/personal pics (no critic/rating requested) for my friends or family who are in Europe or elsewhere in the world (i am living in Asia for years) and on which I was not especially wishing to see any troll or self-promoted critics coming from nowhere to leave traces on (good or bad), nor receive a mark on such posting. I guess many people are of that hybrid type. <p>And as far as the second step will be implemented (that is the one forbiding rating on such photo - see few comments above) I see it as a very positive and coherent move, allowing at least 2 kind of communities to coexist peacefully in this site.
  9. "... members who will use their disapprove right will ALSO delete submitted for critique photos where others will have left not nice comments." Yann R<p> Yann, I don't see your point here; members had always the possibility to delete submitted photo whenever they want (except POW). <br>Disapprove option will SOLELY apply to photo which are NOT submitted for critic/ratings.
  10. An excellent move Brian. I think the people who find it bad didnt get that first THIS REMAINS AN OPTION and second THIS OPTION DOES NOT CONCERN the Photo that were submitted for critique.<p> Still, if some people want to critic where they are not invited to, they can still proceed but, at least, the photographer has a little tool to protect his original will (especially if he/she is a subscribing member!). Other site have taken more drastic step, such has authorizing members to block other member from any input to your own portfolio (ex: PhotoPoint); in comparizon your decision seems far more balanced in addressing the issue<p> On the other hand, I see here people who strongly pronounced themselves against this option and who, for some obscur ego reason, systematically and regularly erase their pictures on which THEY requested critics and on which many members spent time to place an input and who are still allowed by too nice Admin to keep continuing spitting in the soup they keep drinking without even paying. That is a far more disrespectful attitude towards the site and the members.<p> Well talking about the <b>next step</b>, Laurie made quite a valid pointIMO:<br> why a photographer which does request rating/critics is still entitle to receive rating? <br>and therefore to enter the gallery with a undeniable advantage to the other who when throughout the rate request 'tough' process? which is not fair IMO and which pollute the whole system.
  11. Salvatore, an interesting question, although I can provide here serious link to 'educated' answer... I can try...<p> Buddhism has grown in a land of high mountain where high and dangerous passes (called 'la') are the sole links to other valleys. Prayer flags and little shrine are supposed to provide good fortune to the travelers. There are also many sacred mountains (most high mountain are) in Buddhism so that climbing or even placing something on it would be consider as sacrilege...<p> On the other side, Christianism (religious with God, not the case of Budddhism) and its symbol the Cross have often been erected on pagan sites of worship like mountain tops counter their influences. In Catholic countries, crosses are often erected on the peaks of prominent mountains to be visible over the entire surrounding area (may be, reference to Peter and the building of the Church on a mount...)...to be closer to God or simply to impose respect to other (religions and people), we are anyway far from the humbleness taught in the Book!...
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