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Image Comments posted by lissahatcher

  1. Why did I create this image...well it is a follow up to "The Edge of Creation" http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3122101


    The baby was photographed this way intentionally?she is not oblivious to her surroundings, quiet the opposite? she has just become a part of this world and is discovering it in her own time.

    She is small in the world and will be a part of it soon enough. This image makes a statement for me ?. the setting sun, the turing sea, the hard rocks, the wind and even the dead, dry trees have meaning in this image...I actually photographed the baby just being a baby. I did not feel pressure to make her do anything?such as react to her surroundings. I felt it was important to let her be, And for all of you that are about to say then why naked on the rocks of Oklahoma?this place was special to her mother, I photograph her there ever year.Thank you so much for the feedback. I do agree this copy of the image is a bit red I have since toned that down, although the rocks here are very red respectfuly.

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