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Image Comments posted by shaunrasmussen

    Aila J

    I put this photo into my favorights collection a long time ago. Every time I look at it, the perfection of the photo puts me in awe. Quite possibly my favoright picture ever... Perfect in every way.


    These are really good photos. They could easily be turned into great photos with a little Photoshop. Other than cloning out the power lines, added saturation and USM with a little more contrast would really make these great photos. You seem to have nailed taking the picture, now perfect post-processing.
  1. Joseph, I don't know about any pointers, this was my first try. I had my camera on a tripod and used mirror lock up. I was having trouble with camera shake, this might be your problem, not focus. I took a lot of pictures at different exposures, and found that sunny f/16 was close. (in case you don't know, in sunny situations use 1/film speed for shutter and f/16) I guess I would recomend using a sturdy tripod and mirror lock up. Remember that the moon moves quite quickly so use a fairly quick shutter speed. I thought that my first exposures were out of focus, but it was due to camera shake and moon movement.
  2. My only complaint is that it looks like the focusing point is about an inch or two in front of her face. Her shoulder is in perfect focus, but her right eye looks a little soft. Without really looking hard, I didn't notice and really like the picture.
  3. I really like the composition, although the dancers could be a little more centered top to bottom, that could be just a quick crop, though. The thing that really hurt the picture was the lack of sharpness. It is easy for me to tell that it isn't movement as everything is evenly blurry. If you went and redid this the same but with a little better focus, you would have a definite winner. If my first manual camera shots looked this good, I would be really happy with them!
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