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Posts posted by sid_chatterjee

  1. Hello Chuck,


    Two weeks ago I shopped for new binoculars. I found the Leica at about $1500 and the Nikon at $900 to be outstanding. The Swarovski, at Leica prices, were also of the same viewing quality. My Leica bias will advise you to get the Leica. For about one-third the price, I found the Pentax DCF SP model, their top of the line, to be an excellent value. For about $450, they were pretty amazing.


    I don't know about spotting scopes but while I was viewing binoculars there were a couple of customers who were Leica bionocular owners. One had already purchased the Swarovski scope and was at the store advising his friend about the Swarovski. May be a worth looking into.

  2. Robbie,

    I think you will find the SL to be an excellent companion to the M system. I use mine for most 135mm and everything above shooting. For close-up (macro) the viewfinder is outstanding. The 2 cam lenses are available at very low Leica prices. One major word of caution. Look through the viewfinder very carefully without a lens. If you notice cloudy/seperation area or too many black/dirt spots, watch out! The problem is with the silver coating on the mirror and prism. The repair is expensive. Hope you located a clean one because you'll love this Leica. -- Sid

  3. It was March 1967 and I was choosing my early birthday and high school graduation present. For several years, I had been using my father's hand me down Argus C-44, which I still have. I was used to the quiet rangefinder way of working. While my friends were buying Praktica, Pentax or Nikon F, I just did not care for the bulky, noisy, mirror slapping SLR. So I went down to Stone Camera on Bromfield Street in Boston and bought M2 with the 50mm Elmar. Still have my M2 and it has been joined by many more Leica items. It is for a lifetime and plus ownership with a love affair. Yours?
  4. Mitch, Welcome to the Group. Not trying to sound like an elitist but we use Leica for the performance - art, ergonomics and build quality. If the 35mm fits your style, get an used Summicron with lens hood. Don't over-stretch the finance. Save enough in reserve for film, prints and a good lightmeter. -- Sid
  5. Thanks Jeremy. Couple of months ago I bought some S625PX, 1.5VDC Silver Oxide batteries from batteriesinaflash<dot>com. Batteries are made by a company named Excell Photo Battery in China. I've been using it in my MR4 and will try one with this re-calibration on my CL. Ok gang, now somebody tell us how to install the newer and better photocell (LDR) in the CL.
  6. Tom - I've never had any problems with vignetting with the filter on at all times. Look into getting the B+W or Heliopan multi-coated filters for these lenses. They are a better price and performance value over the Leica brand. The B+W filter ring thickness is the same as the Leica and the Heliopan is about 1 mm thinner. - Sid
  7. Seb, Rolfe's advice is on the mark. Couple of additional points to consider -- B+W makes their 0.6ND with the superb multi-coating and this is not available 0.9ND and higher -- outside you may also wish to use a polarizer filter which giver 1.5 f-stop reduction. You can stack the ND and polarizer but you must be cautious of vignetting. Heliopan makes excellent polarizers in slim mount and this may eliminate the vignetting. I don't know if that is a concern with the 50mm Lux.
  8. Francisco,

    The MR-4 meter works on the M4, M3 & M2. This meter has the measuring switch on the top so that it doesn't interfere with the rewind knob of the M4. The older MR meter with the same technology as the MR4 has the measuring switch on the side pushing into the body. This fits the M3 & M2.

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