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Image Comments posted by jriherd



    Gorgeous. I like this image and your treatment. The only critique I offer is that, for me, it would look better if there was a little more space above her head and a little more space on the right hand side.


    Work horse


    Good picture and good title. As someone who has owned horses, it brings back sense memories of the sounds and scents surrounding a horse, the creak of tack, the rustle of bits, and the calm blowing breaths of a horse in calm repose.
    I like the post work. The added texture and the edges. The only thing I would change if it were mine and if I had enough image to work with would be to crop so theres a bit more space above, to the left and at the bottom of the image. Mostly, I'd want a bit more separation of the horse from the left margin of the image. But....overall, excellent shot.


  1. Thanks Donna.
    I've been opposed to a lot of what I call EPS(excessive photoshop). Lately I've been trying to temper that view and use treatments like the one in this shot in a way that I think appropriate. That is, in photos where I think it is effective to communicate emotional aspects of the images. In my opinion, that's the power of this kind of stuff in advertising, it triggers an emotional response. I'm exploring whether it can effectively do the same appropriately in non-advertising images and still maintain integrity. You picked up on what I wanted a lot of the post to do, the crop, the lighting etc. It remains to be seen if the sharpening, desaturation, contrast manipulation etc. is valid or whether it is trite.

    Thanks, again-


  2. I like the use of the setting, the pose, and the composition. Gorgeous model with a good, sassy expression on her face.

    I think I would like it better if the light were a little softer. If it is a flash shot, more of a softbox quality of light. If it is a window light, maybe some flash applied to knock out  some of the sunlight. The light jumps out at me because of the highlights on her knees and her left arm and the contrast of the dark shadows she casts. With some gentle fill light you'd get more of her beautiful hair out of the shadows.



  3. Thanks for the response. The border is how this one will print for framing. I don't do borderless when the intent is to matt or frame. Usually, on here, I don't include the border, but this one got prepared for printing before I posted it, so I used the final. The logo is unfortunate, but does not appear on the final. It is here because I have a specific issue with the theft of some of my images.



    Perhaps the tilt I think I'm seeing is an optical illusion caused by the curved line on the vase being more visible around the right side of the vase instead of the shadowed side. And, maybe the perspective of the large flowers is more noticible because the bottom of the vase fades into shadow. Great examples of the power and importance of the lack of light in a photograph to add to the way a photo is perceived.
    Most important comment: excellent photo.




    Another wonderful photograph. You do a great job at choosing how your backgrounds look with you main subject. The light is terrific, subdued, letting your elements emerge and showing all textures.
    If mine (if only I could do so one of these as nice), I would clone out the white specks on the wall in the upper left quadrant. I think I would try to brighten the purple flowers just a little. Very little. And, I'd leave them like this before I brightened them too much. Such a small thing, it could be my monitor.
    There's something about the perspective...Did you make this with a wide angle lens looking down, making the flowers look a little larger than expected in relation to their container? Not a big deal.
    More noticible to me is that the image appears tilt down toward the left.
    Great job. I admire your work.



    Good job. Also frustrating and inspiring. I see the beauty of the symmetry of these plants and the graceful curves, but I have yet to capture an image as nice as this. Good job.



    I was just about to say a good "classic" shot, but I notice that's been said. I like the vertical lines of the walls and lights and doors. The tilted bikes framing the person are nice. It does appear to me to be slightly tilted down toward the left side. I guess there could be a little wide angle lens distortion going on.

    Throne of Zeus


    I like the image of the mountains and you did a good job of making it appear as a night shot. There's something about the moon that is causing it to not blend well into your image. It's not much, but it does appear added. Perhaps it is too bright. It comes across as being in front of the clouds behind. I'd love to recommend how to make it blend better, but I'm short on ideas. Somebody better than me will have to chime in.


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