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Image Comments posted by rob_mulligan1



    I've seen this done many times, but not for quite a while. I like yours quite a bit. What's cool for me is the symmetry. Nice work!

    Liam in his PJ's


    My wife was sleeping late on Saturday, so it was fun-time for Liam and I.

    We were just rolling around on the living room floor and I decided that

    the light looked good for some pics. He agreed. :-)


    Nikon D7000 - 85mm f1.8 @ f2.8 - window light.


    Thanks for looking!



    No critique. Awesome image. Black and white is what was called for - and the graininess and high contrast add to the drama. Bravo!

  1. I can see that you might see it that way, but Keena has been messing with my wife's makeup since she was three or four - with uneven and sometimes hilarious results. Like here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robmulliganphotography/5169301081/ and here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/robmulliganphotography/5458588096/in/photostream

    Hope those made you laugh!

    Anyway, we're definately not raising any pageant babies here, just having some fun...


  2. Shot this photo of my daughter Keena at the Bayard Cutting Arboretum.

    We were walking down a path and suddenly were in a shady spot with

    the river inlet in the background. Perfect!

    Shot with a Nikon D7000, Sigma 24-70 @ 70mm wide open, and an SB-

    600 shot through a Lumiquest Softbox III, controlled by an SU-800. Hair

    and makeup courtesy of my wife Yan. Yan held the flash and diffuser on

    a lightweight monopod high camera left for me.


    Tech stuff aside, what do you think? Thanks!



    Cute kid, but it's a papparazzi pic with that straight flash.  The best thing for you to do Mark, is to start reading Strobist.com and learn all you can about off camera lighting.

    Good luck!

  3. I love the muted colors of the flowers, and the composition is really nice.

    If it were me taking the shot, I probably would have trimmed the grass spikes in the top center of the photo, they're a little distracting. Otherwise I like it a lot.



    Alex Shishin writes:

    "I believe the photograph is competent. It follows all the rules of traditional academic art that would win prizes for the traditional 19th century Euopean painter. Like academic art and pictorialist photography I find this photograph artificial, trite and dead."

    Oh Please....

    I just looked at his portfolio. Nothing there that my five year old couldn't shoot.  Keep up the good work Michal.

    Those who can, do.

    Those who can't, teach.

    Those who can't teach, critique. 


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