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Posts posted by nanok

  1. anyone here still using polypan-polystar? i have a "curiousity": on mine, the burnt lead in of the film, looks like it's not really burnt, that is, it's nowhere near the density of any other black and white's film lead in, so , can anyone confirm if this is normal for this film, or is this beacause mine is expired/ to old or smth. 10x
  2. i use this too(just bought it,actually).to my knowledge,it's not made by ilford(though i was also fooled by the symilaritties:pan f plus,50 iso speed,sounded great at that price...).it is contrasty partly because it is a 50 iso film(obviouslly),also,it depends on the developer.i use a two bath dev. that noone seems to have ever heard of before :=] and that i like a lot(compensating,very fine grain,quite stable with temperature-you can give or take 2 degrees or so whithout anything dramatic happening-very cheep to use,...if you want to try it i can send you the "cooking instructions" so you can mix your own..).also,too my knowledge,it is caled polypan because it is a "multispeed" film-25 iso to 200 iso(!!),said the guy i bought-it from.this might sound like bullshit(to mee it did...),but i just ran 40 frames of it at a concert and pushed it over 200iso,according to the results on the neg.,and i was frankly surprised of what i got in terms of detail(espacially shadow detail,which was all i had,on some shots-as soon as i manadge to scan some you will be able too tell for yourself,if you ask to see them.),grain and tonal range were pleasing too-though i have yet to test it further,in more normal conditions.by the way,do you still use'it(it's been over a year since you posted this message),and if you do,do you have anything shot on it to show?also,i don't think it is intended for cinemato. use,as it would have to be reversible and it's even written on the box that it is neg. b&w(note that ilford ,jessops and others also sell bulk film,though not as cheep and not in 90m rolls...).good luck and good light.

    ps:the friend hwo recomended this film to me uses tetenal chemistry to process this film and is quite happy.he uses the film at 200iso almost all the time.the developer is called negafin if i'm not mistaking.

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