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Image Comments posted by pavel1


    I like the way the lines are from the water and beach vs the water and sand. I thik that the leafy tree makes it a bit busy and there is an object at the end of the log that draws my eye but it slightly bothers me that I can't tell what it is. A little more contrast in the water area could give it more snap? Good attempt.
  1. Slightly lacking in sharpness. Or is that the look you were going for? I think a larger depth of field might work better and perhaps about -15 with the brightness in PS. Very striking woman with amazing eyes.
  2. I too am slightly put off by the apparent look of decapitation. Perhaps it might look better if the fur filled the corner but at the same time I like the extension out of the frame. The eyes are not in focus, that is the biggest disapointment.The color of the fur is great and I think it is close to being a very good photo.
  3. creative! the only improvement though would be to stop the lens down so that the feet are in focus top to bottom and perhaps getting the model to lie so that they are not visible in between the toes. Well done.

    Letchworth Falls

    at first glance I believed that the woman was there. Only then remembering that it is under the category "digitaly altered" I thought she could not have been. Nice to be fooled like that. Or was she there??

    A tea cup

    I am always surprised at how someone can take the everyday and make it into something that is so interesting to look at. Realy nice point of view. Could use some steam? Got to go ... get some coffee.
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