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Image Comments posted by kezia

  1. Nice composition and skin tones against the red are very good. I wonder what she is looking at? This should give a sense of mystery, yet somehow it doesn't because the context gives me no sense of what it might be.


    In spite of being a fairly standard composition, the execution of this photo draws my attention. I like this. There's something surreal feeling about this photo. I think it's a combination of the infrared plus a loss of sense of scale. It has an underwater feel to it.
  2. This is one where I'm sure you wished you could ask for permission to rearrange the furniture. Not quite the simplicity in the foreground that one would have wished; nevertheless, an interesting image.
  3. Much as I like this photo, I agree with Marc's suggestion that some more detailed images (such as the one from this portfolio that he suggested) should be chosen as POW. The computer screen is very unforgiving of richly detailed images, favouring those with strong simple graphics that grab the attention quickly, and the POW is the perfect place to encourage people to look closer at some of those images that perhaps don't grab the viewer immediately, but which one can return to over and over again and not get bored. I also believe that a severe test of skill is in the successful composition of a complex image (I think that's why street photography is so difficult to do well).


    Lots of compositional problems with this shot as it stands. Nevertheless, as the previous poster says, it's such a lovely action shot that it is still interesting. Since you don't have the whole body anyway, I think this would be improved by cropping in still closer on his head (include both ears), in a horizontal format so that you keep some of the sprays of water off to the right.

    Still Life

    The background is slightly distracting - the highlights on the basket in particular - but this is one of the cutest poses I've seen, and he even curled his tail around to complete the composition!

    Toas Pueblo

    Very nice, with good repetition of shapes. I don't mind the darkness of it - it defines the soft texture of the walls, which contrast well with the defined edges of the buildings and give the photo a mood of its own. I would have liked to see a little more depth of focus - it seems to me the houses in the background are not completely sharp and in a photo such as this where the geometry of the shapes is so important, really sharp edges throughout would be preferable.
  4. Nice composition with warm colours. I would have liked the stem of the apple to be completely sharp as, particularly in the large version, this is where my eye settles. I also think it needs either more or less of the stray lights in the background - with more they could look like stray galaxies, but right now they look a bit accidental.

    Preening 2

    I love the pose and the detail on the white feathers. It does look a bit grainy, I'm not sure why. I'm also not sure about the colours - I think with nature photo like this it's best to reach for the most natural colour balance possible.
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