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Posts posted by linus_hultstrand

  1. It says on the recommendation for Rodinal that 1:50 dilution is not recommended for HP5+. I have no idea why. It is the only film and dilution they don´t recommend. I tried developing HP5 @ 200 in rodinal 1:64 dilution for 5 minutes. It worked well for me. A bit grainier than with HC-110, but that´s just a matter of taste. I´ll post pictures to compare some day when I have time to scan them.
  2. I have just ordered my first bottle of HC-110 but haven´t started

    using it yet. I thougt I´d get some advice first from you, the

    experienced bunch :-)


    Right now I am shooting mostly in my homebuilt studio. Portraits, and

    full length.


    I use two tungsten-ligths of 500w diffused through a thin cloth to

    light the subject.


    I use HP5+ rated 200 asa


    I am reading at:




    and realize there are a lot of differnt working solutions (A, B, C,

    D, E, F).


    The question: What working solution do you think should I use, and

    most imortantly - Why?

    If you have a suggestion of dev.time, I´d be grateful too.


    Merry Christmas


    /Linus Hultstrand

  3. I have been reading about diXactol at www.barrythornton.com and seen

    his galleries. When I read, it seem so... great. And I can´t help

    thinking - WHAT IS THE CATCH? So, if anyone has tried any of his

    products (especially diXactol) - are they as good as he says? And

    when are they not?


    Best photografic regards


    /Linus Hultstrand

  4. I have recently started developing my own negatives and everything is

    going fine. There is just one problem. There are spots from the water

    rinse left on the negatives when they have dried. They negatives dry

    hanging in my apartment.


    I use only water when I rinse after the fixing - should I use some

    wetting agent or something, and in that case what - any tips?


    Can I wash the spotted negatives again and dry them again to get rid

    of the spots?


    /Linus Hultstrand

  5. Hi!


    I am using a developer made in Sweden called SD-76. It is exacly the

    same chemicals as Kodak´s D-76. But it is sold in one litre bottles

    solution (not powder like the D-76). It is said that the solution is

    good to develop 12 rolls of 35mm film, and that is nice. But here is

    my question - With every film I develop, the solution ought to get

    weaker every time (less active chemicals i.e.) and the next film

    should require more development time? Or am I thinking wrong? However

    nothing on the bottle says it does, so what am I supposed to do? And

    if it requires more development time, how am I supposed to know how

    much more?


    Please help a newbie with your photographic wisdom :-)


    /Linus Hultstrand

  6. Hey you all!


    I have recently been trying to determine the true film speed and

    development time for my favourite film Ilford hp5+. I am not finished

    with my tests yet, but it would be interresting to know what results

    others who use that film have come to. I am aware of that it is a

    personal thing too, since all light meters are slightly different,

    but never the less, I am interrested in your reslults. Development

    time is of course different since there are many developers, but I

    hope you can answer in percent longer or shorter than recommended

    (for the speed the manifacturer claims). So if the recommended time

    is 9 minutes and you develop for 7½ minutes, your true dev. time is

    -15%. I will be happy with answers like:


    320 iso/asa

    -20% dev time


    Best Regards


    /Linus Hultstrand

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