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Image Comments posted by bacsa

  1. okay...where is the man??


    Technically, the bottom part is too dark, while the top part is way overexposed. Because the overexposure, there is very low contrast. Shiny rooftops on the right side are also distracting.


    Compositionally, we have a big not too attractive building and a strange shaped blanket(or something similar) in the middle, none of them captures attention imho. The fact that it's black and white helps making the image flat, nothing pops out from the background.I'm not the fan of compositional rules, nor of breaking them - just it should have a center of attention.


    The top region is also diluted in the white photo.net background, by the way.


    Finally, why would you take a photo of a homeless and post it on a website?




  2. are they really THE magic mushrooms? then you are a rich man already:)but watch out, i think in australia it's illegal.


    Nice photo, by the way. More DOF would be nicer, but from the lighting problems you mention, i guess you did need the wide aperture.


    not at all - actually you made quite a good job, i can hardly see the "touching". (Only the legs of the person on the right got a bit blurry.)You eeven took care of the shadows:o). Thanks for the suggestion & your time.
  3. beautiful, self-confident expression on her face.

    A bit of details of the exterior through the left window would help against the very strong highlights. Oh yes, and the heads, they are always in the way... :(



    i'd say it's a great photo. They look honest, and that's what makes it. Okay, framing is also what I like. You have cool friends, I have a little secret: I hope one day I also can convince my friends to let me exercise on them. With my camera, of course:)



    Vietnam Memorial

    I also prefer this one. At first look on the thumbnail I thought you shot something through the curtains so i clicked to make a not-too-friendly comment, :) but I changed my mind. It is great, especially with the large "1975" in the corner and the bent (old?) persons...


    You are already on a great level:) I miss her eye, if the head would be just a bit more rotated towards us, then the eye would be more highlighted and that would make it a bit more. For me. Eyes are important on a 'portrait'.


    I do like it, but i would like it more with her left hand included and with less highlight on belly breast and arm. But she's a great model in a great pose.



    that's why a head is in the way a bit, on the bottom right.

    Any observations, ideas, feelings, advices, questions, comments are welcome. As long as they are releveant:)

    Thanks for the click.

    opening up

    it's a shame the people before me giving a below-average rate for this. One shoud understand that this is more than photography (not less) and evaluate it in a different way. Btw, i like the arrow:) is it a tattoo or just your addition?

    tree or shrub

    kup, just a suggestion: check out a photographer called Manuel Laval, you can find his webpage with google. He has some pretty nice work, and might give you ideas even.



    I personally think it's very far from porn...and, who cares, anyway? Until it's pleasing to my eyes, one can call it however he/she wants.


    I'm happy to see that you do have more in the folder:)nice work. I would have kept more space on the right side, from the hand to the frame, though.



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