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Image Comments posted by uwestiens

  1. Thanks Ted and Fernando for your comments. The picture is really not very sharp, for what ever reasons. Maybe I wanted to put too much into one photo and made almost an 180 degree move. Next time I try less and go for more detail.

    Regards, Uwe.

  2. Thanks a lot for your comment. You are right, the building is very grey at day light. I have to be honest, there wasn't any sunlight at all. I used PS to fill in some light in the fore ground. The sky reflects the light pollution from the city and the light on the walk way is from the busy road next to the shrine. Cheers, Uwe.
  3. Mate, you are asking to view in large, but my screen is too small. I like this a lot. It realy looks australian. The only thing I have to pick on is the tree on the left. It would be good to see it fully. Unfortunately the top is choped off. If you pull the camera a bit up it would give you more sky and the horizon would not be in the center. Just my thoughts. Great work. Cheers, Uwe.
  4. Nice one Roger. My attempt to capture Mcnaught failed a bit. But as you said before, to see it hanging there in the sky was something special. I was camping in Foster when I saw it and have to say that you country people have much better sky's than us city dwellers. The amount of stars you could see was incredible. I might go to the prom in March for a night or two, to make some shots of the coast line. It would be nice to catch up with you on the way. I'll be driving right through your little town. Regards to Linda, Uwe.
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