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Posts posted by steve_rowell

  1. Brian,


    I like this one so much more than the ones where the political placards (sp?) are readable. Maybe for the same reason I prefer books over movies. It's nice to see quality without being beat over the head. Well done!



  2. Hi Jamie,


    Enjoy your work, BTW. My Wista DX folds nicely with a nikkor (nikon, whatever) 150 f5.6. You just turn the board around and fold it up. The only complaint I've ever had with the Wista is the lack of bellows draw (or interchangeable bellows). But for 150 to 90 should be fine. The Wista is a very well made camera.



    Steve Rowell

  3. Hi Ed,


    I agree with something that both Per and Sandy mentioned. Per (I'm paraphrasing) said to continue to work with something until it is the way you want it. Sandy mentioned the idea of a project. How often have we all made a poor image and just left it alone. One of the things I'm just beginning to really understand is how important it is to work on something until it works. I think photography like any other craft is something that requires a lot of work. When we think of the masters, we often focus on their talent and ignore the hard work and dedication.



  4. Ann,


    Well, if I'm the first to reply, I will probably be among many that suggest one film and one developer. Please take a look at http://www.mcitret.com . Others will no doubt offer other examples. Or how 'bout http://www.johnsexton.com . And since you asked for a suggestion, T-max in Rodinal. The point is with any of the combinations about to be suggested you can make extraodinary photographs. Don't agonize over the stuff, agonize over the vision. Just my 2 cents.



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