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Posts posted by aepelbacher

  1. I have found that it has taken a lot of time and energy on my part consistently over the past five years to build relationships with other PN photographers who will give me honest critiques on my photos ... they know me, know my work, and have seen the progression of the quality (or lack thereof) of my images over the past five years. And I reciprocate...
  2. I attempted (several times) to comment on a couple of my own images and kept

    getting this error message. The error comes after clicking "confirm"...


    Error in inserting comment

    We were unable to insert your comment in the database. Here is the error that

    was returned:


    ora8.c:4965:lob_dml_cmd: error in `OCIStmtExecute ()': ORA-01653:

    unable to extend table PHOTONET.GENERAL_COMMENTS by 4096 in tablespace PHOTONET



    insert into general_comments (











    ) values (










    NULL )


    content into :1

  3. I have used a 300D for about three years now, and it's fine. You can get one used for not too much $$, and if you've used it for your learning process, and want to make the investment, you can then move up to one of the newer (and more expensive) models.
  4. Sorry I didn't answer earlier. Was out all day long. Thank you SO much for so many great answers. (I love this Canon forum!) I didn't think I needed a lens until I went to the camera shop, intending to only ask about the price on the body alone. When he heard what lenses I had, the guy at the shop told me that one of the two kid lenses would fill in that "hole" that exists from 22 through 50 (except for the fixed 28). I am definitely going to read your responses again (tomorrow, when I'm more awake) and I have already been to Bob's site with the reviews ... but I like the idea that I might be able to talk with the store about a different alternative. I haven't really felt a "hole" when looking for focal lengths. But the 75-300 is not only my weakest lens, but it is the lens that I dropped on the Denali Highway, breaking the thread and getting a small scratch on it. So it's probably the most needing to be replaced. The second replacement would be the 50/1.8 ... eventually. Thank you for giving me so much to think about....


    The next thing that occurred to me is that I'm in Erie County, New York ... sales tax is almost 9%. But I'm probably going to be moving to Northern Virginia in the next few months. The sales tax there is not even 5%..... That's significant on expensive items like electronics. Maybe I need to wait a little longer to replace the Rebel......


    Thank you again! You've given me plenty to think about.

  5. I am finally ready to purchase a new 40D. I know that I could purchase it

    online from Amazon or B&H. But I'm funny about having it shipped ... not sure I

    want to do that.


    So I'm going to purchase it from my local camera shop. They have three options.

    The first is just the body (~$1300), or with the 28-135IS kit (~$1500), or the

    final option for ~$1600 I can get the 17-85IS kit AND a bag and an extra battery

    and some other "stuff".


    There is something tempting about the $1600 for all the extra "stuff" deal, but

    because it's tempting, that sends up red flags for me. I don't have much money

    to be throwing away ... this is a major investment for me at this point in my

    life. I want to make sure that I'm being wise. My Canon Rebel uses the 511

    battery, and I've already got three...


    FYI, I already have a 10-22mm, a 75-300mm, and a fixed 28mm and a fixed 50mm ...

    just for reference. My preference is to shoot nature, landscapes, architecture

    ... basically outdoor stuff.


    If getting the 17-85 kit is the best option because the 17-85 is the best lens,

    then that's fine. As far as focal lengths, the 28-135 would leave me with a

    23-27 gap, but I don't think it's a "gap" that I really would be bothered by.


    Do I really need to worry about all of the other "stuff"? Am I missing anything

    here? Would I be getting myself scheustered?

  6. On photo.net you can not get exif info on images in people's portfolios by right-clicking/downloading, etc. The "save for web" process necessary for upload eliminates the exif data.


    But, I have found that (1) most photographers will answer that question ("Would you mind posting the exposure details for this image?") if you ask them in a comment on the image, and (2) some photographers will include the information in the "details" section underneath their photo. (I try to always indicate my exposure information in the details section, and by the way, I shoot with a Digital Rebel and also have a 75-300mm zoom.)

  7. I understand being curious ... but I have to add that if the site were up, it would probably NOT HELP our cause to keep clicking through to it. The more hits that site gets, specifically the more hits one of our tagged photos/groups of photos gets, will likely only serve to prove that they're not some rogue upstart of a wannabe company. (Right?)
  8. LT, I appreciate your idea ... your 2 cents, but for my 2 cents, I have to add that I would be very upset if PN began to require some sort of authentication in order to view my photos. I use my photo.net portfolio folders as "galleries" and link to them from my own personal websites. I have even gotten a couple of image sales from people who link through from my other websites. Requiring them to authenticate would be somewhat of a problem for me.
  9. Okay, I have another comment already. This time without the sarcasm. Like I said, I don't usually get involved in these things. Maybe I should have just continued to follow the conversation without making the other comment. But now that I've started, I need to finish.


    Josh - you'll probably need to delete this comment because it is "off topic". At least the subscribers to the thread will be able to read it...


    I used to try to loosely follow the conversation and site admin forums, just to keep informed. But the frequent bickering really wasn't worth my time, and the constant jabs at the admin really got to me. Are we all adults here?


    I understand that some of you are bothered by your work appearing elsewhere from here. How tough a concept is this: your work on the internet is thus a free-for-all. I apologize that I am not also bent out of shape about my work being copied onto another site.


    But anyone who feels the need to keep insisting that this site is lacking in quality hasn't been reading the forums for very long. Let's look at the facts to keep in mind. Photo.net was started in 1993 with then-current coding and technology.


    That was 15 years ago. How many of these other photo sites have been around and so widely used for 15 years. It has been stated (over and over again, by the way!) that one of the reason that they don't simply do an all-encompassing software overhaul is because they want to find a way to do so while maintaining everyone's images, file structures, comments and ratings (etc.) that were received over FIFTEEN years. Perhaps Mr. Bassi does not value the comments/ratings/portfolio that he has developed over the past seven months. I know that he's an old timer.


    On the otherhand, I have been a member of photo.net for five years and three months. And yet, I don't feel like I've been around long enough to be SO CRITICAL of the management. All I DO know is that I HIGHLY value the comments, critiques, and (gasp!) ratings that I have received on my photos. This is a portfolio into which I have put MUCH work and have learned many, many invaluable lessons.


    My images may not be shown in private collections. I guess that I'll have to stop advertising for that to happen. (oops - sarcasm again, sorry!) But if you're going to complain, why don't you follow the forum rules which clearly state that you should start by searching for the topic of your forum post to see if it's already been discussed. These conversations have happened before ... it has merely been different websites.


    Okay, yeah, it would be nice if they eventually came up with better protection for our photos. But if you think that you're going to put your photos anywhere (by the way, I have found several of my photos that were only on Flickr stolen!) on the internet and think that they're not susceptible to copying, then you know a LOT more than I do.


    Rrrrrr ... before I slip into the sarcasm again, I'll stop. No more Lou Ann in this thread.

  10. Josh - we love you and appreciate your work. Well, at least I appreciate your work. I definitely know you care about photo.net.


    I typically don't get into these rows ... but, Antonio, really? You are going to MAKE all of your friends cancel their memberships and they are going to MAKE all of their friends cancel their memberships? I have never had an acquaintance who I could MAKE do anything ... I'm super-impressed at the power you have over people. Your personality must be extremely charismatic. I'm jealous.


    I'm really calm about this (I wasn't at first....) They picked a couple of my favorite photos. So now they have 800px versions of a couple of my favorite photos. So what? I put them here to share and discuss and learn ... so now hopefully someone else is appreciating them. And if I'm credited and they find me, great!


    By the way, Antonio - how wonderful that you have your work in private collections and don't need to advertise at all. I'm even more impressed.

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