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kim taylor

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Image Comments posted by kim taylor


    I'd like to see it a bit larger, nice combination of direct and back (through) lighting on the flower. Really makes it jump out from the black background at you. The leaves serve well to give it a ground.


    It's got a triangle, diagonal lines, convergence to a bright point, BW and 400asa film. Yet with all that it's not working for me. Maybe a little darker, maybe exeriment with cropping to interrupt the completion of the triangle, something to disturb the flow, my eye keeps going round and round the light well looking for somewhere to stop.
  1. This photo shows the digital image to its full advantage, crisp and grainless BW with good contrast, and the combination of real colour with BW to draw the eye to a focus point. Lovely and painstaking work. I'm not sure if the lines should be taken to vertical or not, I rather like the back-leaning feeling, makes it look that much 'older and charming'.


    Nice catch. I'm not big on motorsports but the background blur, blurred tire, focus on the bike and rider, and the splash of red on the helmet all work. I even like the tilted horizon.
  2. Little boys, as always, spinning out of control. Nice contrast between the sharply focused architecture and the out of focus child. One of the few cases where my eye is drawn to the blur and not the focus, to the darker figure and not the lighter windows.
  3. Caught my eye because it looks a bit like those old Canadian Pacific Railway posters although they usually read from left to right if I remember correctly. Good sense of scale with the figure in the foreground and mountains 'way back there', focus is a little soft for my old eyes.


    This is a great shot, very European feel. Nice range of tone and lovely composition. I especially like the glance from the little guy toward... her father? "Oops am I in trouble?" Congratulations on this one.
  4. As a father you can't help but respond to the subject matter. I also like the way the lighting isolates the little one from the rest of the frame, makes me want to reach in and provide some comfort.
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