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Posts posted by phyrpowr

  1. <p>Never could see in B&W, but I recall about ten years back, after I had gotten "serious" for a few years, that I was pointing out lines and contrasts to friends, who usually shook their heads and said "Huh?"<br>

    It snowed today in Charlotte, and instead of just saying"Isn't this pretty", I'm scanning for areas of high contrast, then examining the forms</p>

  2. <p>Bernhardt and Arthur are our city fathers' and mother's nightmare: they confused us again with Charleston SC and Charlottesville VA</p>

    <p>We don't really have much of unique interest, cityscapes okay, as Rick says some interesting churches here and there. Look up Latta Place Plantation historic site, Carolinas Raptor Center. </p>

  3. <p>Dan,<br>

    before you commit to a photo specific bag, check out standard backpacking rigs. If your hikes don't involve lots of brush and/or lowhanging limbs, you might want to look at external frame packs<br>

    You can rig internal compartments and such, but a really good suspension system, shoulder straps/hipbelt ought to be paramount and is not always found on photopacks</p>

    <p>I agree that Mountainsmith is a great brand. My backpack is Mtnsmith., and it has two compartments, but the model succumbed to Herblock's Law: if it's really good, they'll quit making it</p>

  4. <p>So, if I'm carrying my camera, I'm sexy, put it down, not, pick it up, am...etc. Carrying two cameras, twice as sexy, a little P&S, I'm just cute, !DSMkIII I'm Brad Pitt......shooting film, am I Cary Grant?</p>

    <p>I remain mystified</p>

  5. <p>Talk to people, not just photographers, who have their own businesses. For one thing, I think when you say "I'll hire someone to do the books" they'll first laugh at you, then give you an earful about saving pennies, much less dollars.</p>

    <p>My dad had his own business in our small town, and he was grateful for my mom's teacher's salary when that was miniscule. Vacations? Can't be gone if customers call. 8 to 5? Try 7 to 6, six days a week, if business was good; if not sitting at home, hoping. Hire someone? He hired his son (me) for maybe $10 date money (it was the mid sixties so that was okay, but for a week's work?)</p>

    <p>I don't want to rain on your parade, plenty of people do succeed and do well with their own businesses, but if you want one good example of the pitfalls, find out how much used restaurant/bar equipment is available at any one time.</p>

    <p> </p>

  6. <p>Well,<br />here's the actual point: this subject (or sailboats, or titanium drivers, or revolvers) is NOT a casual conversation to far too many people, but an important, even critical matter, of "<em>look at me, and see how very, very right and wonderful I am"</em><br /><em></em><br />They'll be the same way about their cars, where to go on vacation, politics, etc. I enjoy talking to people about hobbies and interests, but when they get that "look" and then say something like"you can't actually think...", you know, the whole Mr. Wake Up, America act, it's time to go.<br>

    And it's not just about gear. The same type belittles anyone who doesn't shoot only Montana cattle poop, or the tropics, or the Arctic, and are just so very condescending and pitying when you haven't read this tome or that article. Nothing to do with the apparent subject at hand, and everything to do with Mr./Ms. Fantastic</p>

  7. <p>Jeremy,</p>

    <p>started doing same years ago after a workshop instructor pointed out that I was losing a focal point in my shots due to trying to "show context". I've been a lot more pleased with my own shots since....as he pointed out, I can just <em>tell </em>people where it is. Of course I still take the big tourist shots too (here's the entire Grand Canyon, etc.)</p>

    <p> </p>

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