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Image Comments posted by fred_monsone

    my little sister


    This is a shot I took with my 350d in a hired studio (pretty basic) using

    two bowens 500 in a white infinity cove. I am after some honest and

    constructive feedback. I am an amateur keen to learn and improve. I

    know that the skin tone on the face (made up) and the arm needs

    matching but am keen on feedback on the lighting, pose, etc. Many

    thanks in advance.


    I think this is 'the wave'. I was there - in Utah - a couple of weeks ago to shoot the rock formations. WHen I asked a ranger how to get to the wave he said that it's a rather challenging feat. There are no marked paths, no tourist infrastructure to direct you there, it's a good few hours' walk there and back and you need to be quite fit. Suffice to say we didn't go. But there's a great place between Zion and Bryce which looks similar - although much much smaller. It's on the road from Z to B. You can't miss it!

    Rope doorstop

    Andrea, I'm useless in any graphics package so I could not crop or do fancy things. Yes, the square cropping might work but it will have to wait until I start the Photoshop course in April :-)

    Rope doorstop

    Thanks Andrea. I think this was F22 actually. I find it's always difficult to have everything in focus when shooting macro. But then that might be because I don't use good kit and because I'm fairly new to this.

    Rope doorstop


    I just bought a set of Bowens (2 x 500W) and decided to try them out

    before I got my light meter. So I started shooting on Fuji Superia

    using the modelling lights only. I am surprised at the absence of

    orange cast. Also, rather than using an expensive macro lens, this

    shot was taken using those cheap screw-on-the-front-of-your-lens

    enlarging filters (x3 & x4 stacked together). I am at the level

    between a beginner and an amateur and would appreciate your

    (constructive) thoughts. Thanks!

  1. Hi Jenifer, I shoot mostly film. I just bought a slide scanner so I am finally getting my slides out again. But because most of my pictures don't make it outside the front door (I don't have people knocking on my door to buy my prints!) I like the ease of prints over slides, although I admit that the colours you get on slides can be better. Thanks for the tips. Have you ever thought about writing a book/paper on how to photograph lighthouses? I for one would buy it ;-)
  2. Hi Jenifer, how exciting to find a fellow lighthouse enthusiast on this forum! Thanks for the feedback. When you talk about colour manipulation I take it you are referring to PS and I only shoot film and wouldn't know my way around digital in a million years ...


    Quick question. I took a look at your website and was wondering. what aperture, shutter speed and lens do you use to record the lights in the lantern room in the evening? And do you work with digital or film? Thanks!

    Flapping Cardinal

    I love the colours. I don't do digital so I don't know my way around PS but if you could I would have made the water a little warmer to reflect the colour of the bird. What shutter speed did you use?
  3. I am a beginner. I like to think this was a lucky shot (because I

    actually like this picture!). It was shot on my Canon EOS 300v a few

    minutes before it started hailing down really heavily so I was

    trying to be quick (not looking for an excuse here - just giving

    context). I would love some constructive criticism. Please note it

    was shot on Fuji Superia then the 6 x 4 was scanned at home on

    a 'normal' home PC scanner. Looking forward to your comments! Thanks

    in advance. Fred

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