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Image Comments posted by markus_baue



    piero i love this image... not sure why... just a feel.


    and it is really nice for me to see you not care about being accepted or your work not being liked by others...



  1. yes nice lighting...

    maybe some shadowing in the bottom left corner...


    and then i decided to try to make it more to my liking...

    see what you think...


    oop i screwed up with the lens flare... nix the lens flare.

  2. i changed the title to let everyone know this wasn't a man photoshop-ed in to a windsock photo...


    here's another photo for further proof...

    i had asked this guy to take off his clothes and run naked to get these shots... and then unbeknownst to me there was a newspaper photographer next to me when we did this and her shot ran in an SF paper that weekend.


    check out burningman.com for more wild art and concepts...


    Field Kiss

    Don, i took several shots of the couple in this field... a couple of them were like you speak... i found the positioning of the couple in this photo to be by far the strongest.



    what great curves...

    i think this shot has really captured a very curvy part of a woman... and that can be very attractive.


    something about the hand doesn't work... not sure if it is the model feeling uncomfortable or the bad nail job or what.

  3. i love the shot... the flowers and candelabras are great.


    i find myself surprised it came out so well with flash.


    i would like to see a shot with out the flash with a tripod...

    and i would like to see more of the candelabra's reflection in the floor.

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