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Image Comments posted by eric_t.

  1. A beautiful softness about this photo...the colors...the tones...the model. Also an innocence with just an edge of not-so-innocence to the subject...perhaps the setting...perhaps her pose...perhaps her facial expression...most likely, all!

    Beautiful execution and presentation!


    Almost looks like someone trying to fight a major fire with a watering pitcher. How you could get less than a '7' rating for originality is beyond me. On the aesthetics side, the composition, lighting and DOF all work quite nicely together. Very nicely done!
  2. Many things you could have done with this photo: Fill lighting...sharper focus...more depth of field.

    But the fact is that any or all of those changes would have detracted from the natural, soft feel of this piece of art. Lovely work, as usual, lady...absolutely lovely.


    I kept looking at this photo trying to figure out what to comment on. But the longer I looked, the more it became apparent..."What's not to like??" This is fantastic! But I do love the movement in the photo. It's subtle, but I believe really makes a statement. Very nicely done! Can't give it anything but a 7/7!


    What's not to like about this???...Beautiful lighting...unusual perspective...excellent cropping...and the DOF is dead on. Beautifully done! 7/7

    Daisy edit

    Would have liked just a touch...the slightest touch...more depth of field in the photo. But I love the lighting and the angle of the shot. Nicely done!

    Water lily leaf.

    Simple, yet striking. The almost monochromatic tone, along with the movement and the highlights on the right side of the photo all work in concert to create a serene, simple, but impressive photograph. Well done!
  3. Had to look at this one for a moment. I knew I liked it immediately...just didn't know why.

    But I think it's the fact that you zeroed in on that true essence of the dance...the legs and feet. Additionally, I think the pattern on the floor really adds a nice diminishing uniformity away from the focus that brings the viewer to the dancers in a very subtle way.

    Very nicely done, I think.

    Gaur II

    I've been looking at photos on this site for a few years now. If this one doesn't rank a '7' for originality, there hasn't been one. This is an amazing photo...beautifully done!


    Beautifully done. For me, I like the DOF as is. The fade from center works in nice contrast with the color combinations. But that's just me. Nice work!


    Beautifully done with so, so much character. The hand, pen and paper all contribute to the 'feel' of the photo. Very nicely done. For me, I like the tight crop.



    I looked...and looked...and looked even more for something that's not quite spot on with this photo, But I can't find it. This is as good as it gets!

    7/7 Congratulations!


    I agree with comments about the cliche` pose and how uncomfortable the model looks. But I think what bothers me most about this photo (and your others like it) is the cluttered background. Perhaps adjusting and shallowing your depth of field would isolate the model.

    City, city (1)

    watcher, you've captured a moment and a scene perfectly. The cropping is unobtrusive enough to give a sense of voyuerism here. But combine the lighting (highlights, actually) with the cropping and you've created a real sense of the moment...a real sense of isolation in a public place. Exceptionally well done. 7/7
  4. I almost passed on this photo, then something made me take a second look. I like it more each time I look at it...and see more each time. So many themes to be found...and wonderfully constructed. 7/Originality, 6/Aesthetics

    Victor Creek

    Though not a big fan of the "Rule of Thirds" in photography, it sometimes does work perfectly. This is just such an example...both vertically and horizontally. Beautifully composed and exposed. 6/Originality, 7/Aesthetics
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