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Posts posted by mitz_molo1

  1. Hey Andrew,

    I got one this lens and its sharp from f4 upwards. Yes f2.8 is soft but seems to vary as with any other third party product quality control is an issue. This lens works well with in range. Focus near infinity is a little disappointing. Bokeh is something to get used to.

    Ummm one thing that stop me from using this all the time is that I broke the clutch manual focus within a month. Very easily be done if it did not click properly and the AF is activated.

    I still use it at time but only with AF. Oh in the end you wish it can focuse closer to 0.5m than 0.7m.

    wish you the best with your purchase.

  2. Theres nothing wrong with Superia 400 i had it enlarge up to 24 x 16 inch printed on matte paper. Viewing from a metre out u cant tell the difference. My enlarge photo was of the sisteen chapel, i know its a no no but i cant help it. The extra 2 stop speed over ISO 100 film helps and therefore able to sneak a shot without flash. Reala 100 comes handy too so I advice you bring some.
  3. Ok, before you buy a new camera of your choice, did you have a look at the possibilities to whats wrong with it? The meter is off... ok... check... lens clean, mirror clean, pentaprism clean and new batteries.
  4. Ever since I bought the canon S60 (9 months) I havent been happy with

    flash photography when shooting people with tanned or olived skinned.

    I want to sell it at one point because it was becoming a joke fixing

    the white balance on it all time on the computer.


    It hit me last week when I had my F5 and using multiple flash set up 2

    op slave. See how the S60 performs and bang... about 90% right on the

    money with correct skin tone. So I tried it with SB26 slave mode and

    returned me with good results. Manual setting on flash and camera I

    found yields the best results.


    Reason for buying the S60 over a Nikon digital.

    Diving into digital without having to exercise expensively on ever

    changing technology.

    No Nikon P&S with fast AF, supports raw and USB 2.0, low noise and

    pretty compact at the time.


    So I give support to the guy from the last post who said it doesnt

    matter what type of camera brands you use as long as it meet your needs.


    Another POV, from the reviews been reading and samples.. 20D, 1D or

    1Ds mkII and the newer 350D have an edge in low noise from ISO800

    upwards to any Nikon DSLR. I guess I just have to accept this. I swear

    Nikon was prime when D1 came out and Canon still scratching their


  5. I just got the recent TC 17EII and got it set up with my AFS 70-200

    f2.8. This suppose lose me 1.5 stop. I thought from f2.8 this would go

    down to f4.5 but its reading on display 4.8. I am rob 0.3 of a stop

    why is this so? Or is f4.8 the right value and Nikon Mazwell had made

    a typo in their website?

  6. Dont forget it will be close to winter times and if you're shooting slides it will all come out with a bluish cast because of colder colour temperature. Dont forget to bring colour corrections filter to make it warmer. I wouldnt recommend slides if you havent got much experience at as it will ruin your probably once in a lifetime holiday. Cheers.
  7. Theres no problem with your tripod collar, with this much light and action freezing shot looks like u had it under control.


    the first image. theres just seems to be a big area to focus on and it looks like it locked on about a metre in front of the surfer. Did you have the AF on dynamic? or continous? Also the D70 is not renowned for AF speed and so does the 80-400 VR. The image looks darker and so the camera AF speed slowed down to keep track in low light.


    Second image. Plenty of light and contrast which the camera can lock on straight away. Looks like you had time to follow it before pressing the shutter.


    Even with my F5 and 70-200 AFS 1 in 5 action shot are not in focus.


    Play around with your custom setting... focus priority this might slow u down a bit but it would be sharp. Not all great pictures have to be sharp.

  8. The stylus epic is a great camera for I bought it when it first came out as my point and shoot and it handled the distortion better. The S60 is a great point and shoot for candid and looks like its going to stay that way, I was just hoping that with the great capabilities there would be more bite in the optical end.
  9. Ok this is my first dip into digital so I bought the newly release S60

    because of the wide angle capabilty, raw, manual overide, 5mp, can

    take CF cards. In no doubt I find the camera very good specially with

    its capabilities producing great results.


    My only disappointment with it is how bad the optical distortion it

    has when trying to shoot portraits. My subjects dont look anything

    what they should look, they look fatter. I have tried in all focal

    point in trying to find a sweet spot and I found this and would like

    to share it with you.


    Theres no point trying to shoot in a landscape format in all focal

    range. The sweet spot is the middle of the range shot at portrait

    format. Ironic huh? Even with this focal range and it cant compete

    with the SLR lenses in any format situations.


    I guess this is what you get for a consumer product, but looking at

    the price you think you can expect more specially in the lens

    department. My thoughts in Canon trying to speed up the digital

    revolution that they are ignoring the quality of their lenses to up

    the ante on "my MP are larger than yours"?

  10. I was in Hawaii the last 2 weeks. And only brought in the basic travelers kit. F70 + 24-120mm f3.5-5.6D with Agfa Optima films and Fuji Provia 100F. A canon S60 for candid shots.

    What I wish I brought. If you have a lot of time in your hands photographing hawaii... take a tripod.

    The lens was adequate but there were a couple of times I wish I had my 17-35 but you can work around it or just have to deal with it.

    Your 80-200 f2.8D would great to cover some telephoto moments. If you want to capture surfers it would be ideal and even better if you got 300mm. If you are going to walk around waikiki with 80-200.... you will stand out.

    With filters I wish I had ND filter with 1-2 stop and circular polarizer.

    I will be posting some of my Hawaii photos within these next few days.<div>008tKJ-18841284.jpg.071545531ea45ab7f95dd484f4b9318e.jpg</div>

  11. If Nikon just put out a full line product catalog then this means that the rumoured d2x coming out this year will not happen at all. Otherwise its just an expensive marketing releasing a catalogue without the rumoured d2x.
  12. I think having a lead covered bag will just create more suspicion as they cant see

    through it. When I was there I travelled mostly on trains so x-rays wasnt much of a

    problem just thieves. X-rays was not so much a problem then 2years ago.. Maybe

    they have upgraded now specially the major cities.


    Wish you luck!

  13. Hi,


    I'm heading to hawaii this summer and was wondering if taking expensive photo gear

    is as safe as Europe? I wont bother with the F5 as it's heavy so F70 will have to do, but

    I cant decide to if I should bring my AFS 17-35mm and 70-200mm. Otherwise I'll just

    take my 24-120 and 85mm f1.4


    Films, can I buy Fuji Provia or Kodak E100VS easily or is it hard to find? How much is


    I really dont want to bring 10 rolls of Provias and being damage by the X-rays. When I

    was a Singapore they refuse to do a handcheck and so they put it in the X-ray with

    the hand carries. Getting back to Oz, my last 2 unexposed frame left in the camera

    were damage when it too went through a 2-stage xray and they too refused hand


  14. If you havent heard yet.. Canon just release the EOS 1D mkII with 8.2Mp that can

    shoot 8.5 frames per second.

    I dont know if Nikon have an answer to this but I think its another 12 months before

    they can looking at the trend.

    This news must sounds very bad in the Nikon boardroom and R&D.

  15. Sounds like a very bad business from what Nikon USA is doing. They are all came out

    from the same factory. I cant see why they wouldnt touch it, you are paying for it to

    get it repaired. Its just like any other F5 that is out of warranty.

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