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Posts posted by gabriel_roca

  1. Hello all,


    A quick question -- recently I read a few threads stating that there

    are some flash units which are not condusive to use with M cameras.

    I've read that some units might blow the M's circuitry because it

    runs at a different voltage (?) than the M's circuitry. Recently, I

    found a Vivitar 2800, still boxed and in mint condition but probably

    7 or 8 years old in a back closet. Is it safe to use this model or a

    better idea to just buy a brand new one. Your help is certainly



    Many thanks,



  2. Many thanks for all the opinions. I figured the camera was fine but, after recently emptying my savings acount to acquire it, it was painful to watch it fall. Then again, that's one of the reasons I spent the kind of money I did on the camera; I wanted a battle tank/worhorse. Thanks again and sorry, Travis . . .






  3. Perhaps I owe Travis an apology. I just can't stand it when people idolize their red dot as if it's some almight God. It's the pictures, dammit. Anyway, in retrospect, it was kind of funny. And to the person who wrote: "it's hard to respond seriously to "peachy:" Touche!




    PS Thanks for the comments. I believe everything's alright but, it's the run of the mill paranoia that's getting to me.

  4. In response to the "red dot" comment:


    I don't really give a shit if the red dot is there or not. I bought a leica to take pictures, not to carry around my neck as some sort of a totem like some fool who simply worships the equipment he uses rather than the moments he captures. Serious answers only, please.

  5. Hello,


    Recently my M6 took a tumble from a height of about 3.5 - 4 feet. It

    had its lens cap on and the camera landed on the rim of the built in

    lens shade. The only damage I see is a scratch on the lens shade and

    cap. Everything seems to be working fine but I'd like to hear

    suggestions as to how I might go about giving it a proper "once over"

    to make sure everything is, in fact "peachy." Any info would be most






  6. In response to your question, there's a website for the film up. Athough I don't know the URL, if you do a search on Yahoo for "war photographer," you should be able to find it within a couple of minustes. That's probably your best bet. Good luck.





  7. Regarding Cosmo Genovese's silly rants regarding black or silver:


    Sir, what are you thinking?! How, on Earth does the color of the camera you are shooting with have ANYTHING to do with your photography?! My dear sir, the amateur here, is you.




    -Ed P.

  8. I tend to agree with those folks who reccomend caution with this regard to this matter. However, if this is a user camera and one that you're never polanning on re-selling, why not try a little bit of polish in an obscure area, perhaps on the corner of the bottom plate. See how it works out. In the end, I wouldn't go crazy with the polish though -- slow and steady. Good luck!!





  9. WOW! You got off quite lucky. My apartment was burglarized last october--I lost about 7000 dollars worth of Nikon equipment as well as a 3k watch that had been handed down to me by my grandfather. Since I bought my M6 a few months back, it never leaves my body -- always around my neck. Very strange that those folks saw all of that gear and didn't bother taking it. perhaps they ran out of time. . . did you ever find out what they did with your equipment? Were you compensated (take them to court) in any way?


    Good Luck!



  10. Hi folks,


    I'm asking this question on behalf of an uncle of mine. Recently he

    dropped his eos body, with a USM wide angle zoom lens attached. As

    far as damage to the lens is concerned: There's a whole lotta

    rattling going on (as would be expected). My guess was that the

    aperture blades have become disengaged and are loose, rolling around

    inside the lens. Also, there is what seems to be either a)scratches

    (possibly from the loose metal rolling around) or b) what looks like

    some sort of glue (?) on one of the internal elements.


    My question for him: is it worth sending the lens in for repair (we

    believe it has outlived its warranty) or should he just spring 450

    bucks for a new lens? Seems to me the cost of repair would probably

    come close to the cost of a new lens. What do you think??


    Any opinions would be very much appreciated.





  11. Hello everyone,


    Have recently purchased an M6 (new Leica user) and am researching

    lenses, you may have seen my previous posting. Anyway, has anyone out

    there noticed any difference as to quality of Summicrons (I'm looking

    into a 50/2.0 made in about 1972) today versus yesterday??


    I found a reasonable deal on a mint 'cron from '72 and am seriously

    considering it but don't want to go ahead if I hear that there may be

    marked differences in image quality -- were coatings different (to my

    detriment) in those days, etc.


    Forgive my ignorance and, as always, thank you in advance.





  12. Hello all,


    I must say, this sight is an absolutely fantastic treasure trove of



    Anyway, I've just moved up to Leica rangefinder photography by way of

    purchasing a used M6 and have been researching lenses quite heavily.

    I'm on a budget so I have to be very careful with what lenses I



    I've noticed that the Elmar lenses are generally cheaper than the

    Summicrons, etc. and am wondering why? Is it just because they seem

    to be a bit slower (2.8)?


    Also, does anyone have any information on the

    advantages/disadvantages of the Elmar series' collapseable lenses?

    Does this in any way hinder performance or "useability?"


    Any and all infor would be much appreciated, reccomendation as well.


    I believe I'm going to start off with a 35mm. As far as aperture is

    concerned, a 2.8 lens would be just fine for me.


    Thanks in advance. . .



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