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Posts posted by eachica

  1. I like the flash. Works well and is pretty straight forward especially for the 'artsy' style website you have; Logical places for buttons, and easy navigation. Well done in my humble opinion. Did you pay to have that done or do yourself? Or better yet is that really your flash program, created by you or a plug-in?
  2. Great advice Eric. Take it to heart Matt. How about a degree in IS/IT/MIS that might be an even more profitable route. Computers are the future and you get to learn all kinds of programs especially if you lean towards design. Of course graphic designers are a dime a dozen so I would definitely get some grasp on the technicals of computers too. I did it.. I have a great paycheck every 2 weeks, photography on the side and at the same time... proud, happy parents. ;) Good luck in your future endeavors.
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