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Image Comments posted by eachica

  1. I just read your intro... I would have said the exact opposite. I find the dead space at the top wasteful and the drab background color does nothing for the subject. Cute child though... she does look deep in thought.
  2. Because it's very eye catching. It has to do with linage. Love perspectives like this. Caught my attention immediately. I think this shot could definitely be improved upon. If you're ever in a situation to re-take this, I think you should rethink your DOF and focus more on the foreground and blur as you get into the background. The building tends to draw the eye away, so the less focus on that is going to improve the results of the lounge chairs. I think better light would really help this shot too. Not sure if this was taken mid-day or just an overcast day, but it would really help to have a rich blue sky with some clouds, it would contrast with the yellow of the chairs and give a dramatic appearence.

    Ivy Meter


    Ohhh, I like it. Love the ivy in the background. Reminds me of one of my shots. I also like the color contrasting. The green ivy against the red and then the yellow of the meter... just works really well!


    The ONLY thing I wish was different, was that the meter wasn't cut off at the bottom. I think you needed just a tad more at the bottom. Just a smidge. But I love these types of oddity shots. Stuff that no one thinks to shoot... always makes for an interesting shot.

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