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Image Comments posted by fred_vnoucek

  1. Dear Fellow-Photograpers!

    Thank you very much for the kind words and the comments to my work.

    To answer some of the question, I've done this shut on the - probably - foster polarbear cub 2 years ago on Baffin Island, near the village of Pond Inlet. It was pure luck, and a rare opportunity with the sun out. In case, there's a Mom-Bear around I was guarded from Inuits with rifles. Resting on the Ice for more than an hour, I had the chance to finish couple of rolls ... distanca was about 30-40ft., but there was a small waterway between (you can see the flow under the front paws between. The Inuits said it's going to die (if the mother was really gone) within days of starving, and nothing they could do .. sad story.



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